This could be considered a bold topic for me to share about and it could be rather offensive to some. I do not wish or desire to be offensive, but rather desire to share something I believe God put on my heart. You are most certainly entitled to your views, opinions and beliefs. . . just as I am entitled to mine.
With that being said - I will jump right in.
Why does there seem to be a double standard in our world today?
I don't mean like why the hypocritical thinking and such as some people observe Christians being. No, rather simply put . . . Why is there one standard for our children and another for ourselves??
If you're scratching your head and wondering "Alright, where is she going with this?" just follow along.
SO many times today and in times past, I hear these words, "It was GREAT! But don't take your kids!" Or you see in print "Not recommended for chidlren" Or you think of parents with alcohol in their refrigerator all the while telling their child/teen "DON'T even think about it!" And the list goes on. . . .
I'm not here to reprimend, scold, or step on anyone's toes only to question the existence that we have become through time.
WHY is there one set of rules for kids and quite the other for adults? If it is NOT good for our children WHY then is it good for us??!! I mean even the Minute Maid orange juice carton tells us "Put good in, get good out!" Do adults not have the concept down that IF your putting in not good things, your getting not good things out?! I believe we can certainly become desensitized to so much of this world today in so many ways! Little by little we began to see . . . it's not so bad. . . and we begin to call it entertainment. Entertainment for adults only. . .so to speak. . . and NO I'm not referring to any porn.
If it's bad for our children to hear, see, do. . . then why the HECK is it any better for us??!! It's as if the old saying still stands "Do as I say and NOT as I do." Are we not called to live life by example and most importantly in front of our very own children??!! As a very sweet friend recently was sharing with me concerning our grown children - "Live by example. . ." Couldn't be any truer words for sure!!! And yes this applies to still living by example even when our children have reached that so-called age of adult life. We don't simply say "Ok, you've reached the pinnacle, you are now allowed to do as you please. Go be yourself and enjoy it while you're at it." Noo. You want them to be all that God plans for them to be, not some person who has reached a certain age and now can do all these "adult things".
I firmly believe that the verses found in Philippians 4:8-9 holds very true for each of us regardless if you are a child OR an adult. "Finally, brothers, (and sisters!), whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me - put into practice. And the God of peace will be with you." Sooo. . .if we are truly living up to what these verses are telling us then shouldn't it be what is wrong for our children suddenly becomes wrong for us? And the same applies likewise. . what is right for our children should be right for us as well. I do NOT accept the thinking of children just can't handle the responsibilty that adults can. . . to that I say a bunch of HOGWASH!! As an adult your no super being able and ready to resist in the face of temptation, and for those who think they can watch out lest you fall. If you think I speak as a high and mighty person....think again. . . I am no such. I speak from experience, but in knowing that, know that God is merciful, mighty to save and picks us up just as we are and sends us on His way once again. . . stronger than before many times!!
So. Let's quit saying and thinking it's alright for us as adults because we know better and start saying HEY! if it's wrong for our children/teens/young adults then most certainly it's WRONG for us as well !!!!!
I will leave you with three thoughts: 1.) Live by example. 2.) Put good in, get good out! 3.) What's good for the goose is STILL good for the gander. . .adults and children alike!
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