Sunday, March 27, 2011

"I Have a Son!"

As I was searching my thoughts and God's thoughts on what I could write about today. . .  it came to me. . . write about your son who has a birthday a week from tomorrow! Although I did just recently write about him regarding his wonderful and surprising cooking skills. By the way, he told me today after church "Mom, don't write anymore Blogs about me." He went on to tell me how that one of the SS teachers, Mr Jeremy, mentioned him at church and called Levi out on the story. You're welcome son!! :)

Well, as you see. . . I'm gonna still keep writing Blogs about him. ; )

My David told me recently that he likes reading more about stories when he reads my blogs. So here's a "little" story just for you.

Fifteen years ago (almost) I was BIG, and very pregnant. All three of my babies made me look like I was carrying a literal basketball out in front of me! I was even told that from behind you wouldn't have guessed I was pregnant, but then whoops.... I turned around. :)

I don't recall the actual due date or even all the details surrounding that surprising evening. I do remember that we had been walking a mall, probably trying to speed up the process as they say walking does. What I DO remember is laying down that night and soon after I was jumping up as best I could to run to the bathroom. What I thought was my water broke. . . what happened was quite another thing. You could say I essentially got poked with a GIANT pin. What lay behind me looked and appeared as if a bloody massacre had happened! Needless to say, things got kinda HECTIC after that.

My Mom was staying with us at the time so she could help very THANKFUL she was! David ran in her room to tell her what had happened and then rushed back to me. I had NO clue what to think, all I knew was this had to not be good. At this time, my Mom and David are trying to get me cleaned up as best they can. David calls 911 and tries to determine if I need an ambulance. They pretty much came up with the reply back "If you feel the need to have one sent, we will do it, but you might get there quicker if you drove yourself. It's totally up to you." about making life threatening decisions on the spot! As we proceeded to drive ourselves, my body started going into shock. Although it was probably considered mild, it nonetheless was quite concerning. I will tell you that we didn't just drive to the local hospital, but rather had to go through 2 towns! That being the place of my doctor. Needless to say, anyone who knows 1960 knows you encouter multiple lights! As we were driving, I just began praying out loud.....I was SCARED. I had not felt Levi move since the explosion! I just kept praying and as I did God calmed the shock down all together as well as turned EVERY single light on our way.....GREEN! No small miracle in and of itself!

Once there, David ran in and got me a wheelchair so that he could get me out of the car and he would park. Odd thing....not a soul (as I remember) asked him if there was an emergency. As he put me in the chair, I noticed that I was barefooted, a bloody mess and most likely look extremely pathetic. He wheeled me in front of the hospital and went to park. As I was nervously sitting there wondering just what is happening to me and my baby, a person comes and seems to have pity and asks if I need to be wheeled inside. I agreed to let them. Once inside, there was still no concern by staff or others passing by. Hmmm....Well.
David makes it inside and we proceed to a desk. The reception lady goes through her normal routine of questions and all the while we think this is an EMERGENCY people are we not coming out with that message?!? Then again....neither of us are on the dramatic side of life as some it probably didn't. As they finally got the go ahead to send me back, the receptionist looked at me clearly for the first time and said "O my, you are bloody!" Well, as a matter of fact I knew that would SOMEONE get concerned here and tell me if my baby is alive and alright?!!

Without telling you every single detail of the rest of the evening.....I will tell you  that they indeed did find a heartbeat (THANK YOU JESUS!). They never did fully determine though what in actuality happened to me. It was said a vein must have busted somewhere inside. I think it was just my sweet son making his EXCITING and adventerous appearance into the world! He does do things with quite a talent that not all have. :) The doctor did have to induce me at one point because they were unsure of the situation at hand. So then came my beautiful blonde hair, blue eyed baby boy.....we got our boy! We had a certain name picked out from the time of our firstborn for a boy that by the actual time we had one it had become old. We did keep one of the names however. And so Levi Bradlee Moore entered our home and hearts. He was by far my biggest weighing in at a healthy weight of 8lbs 9oz.!

While having Levi, I believe I came close to fainting twice during the procedure. They had me on two IVs resulting from in each arm keeping me going. I would later learn that through everything I went through at home and in the time of having him that I had lost entirely too much blood. This would result in me having not one but THREE blood transfusions....I was weak! So weak that I couldn't even get up for 3 days and go see my baby who was in the ICU! He was kept there to be watched because of fluid in his lungs. I had only briefly saw him right after having him before they wisked him away. Funny thing is, when I was finally able to get up and go see him. . . I had NO clue which one he was!! My David had to show me! Is that not sad?!? He was hooked up to all kinds of wiring and as I held him with the utmost care I fell in love with him. We did however have to leave him in the hospital once it was time for me to go home. Ya's really a WEIRD thing when you go to the hospital, have a baby, only to come home without him. I forget just how much longer he had to be there, but I can tell you that when it was time to go and bring our little boy home....I was unsure. You see I hadn't really been allowed the chance to bond with him yet, as a Mother can and does, because of the results surrounding our ordeal AND I knew that he was being taken care of well by the nurses at the hospital. So it was a two-fold feeling I guess you could say. I was happy to bring my son home to share our lives with us, but I was also intimidated by the thought of me/us being the one to care for him and whatever he needed. Needless to say. . . we loved him, enjoyed him, cherished him and thanked God for him in every way. By the way, he was just fine in all matter of health. As I write that, I am reminded of all the "wonderful" things the doctors told me could possibly be wrong with him once born....aren't doctors just the B E S T. Guess what....they were O so W R O N G too! I don't for the life of me understand why they must scare the heck out of is quite UN-needed.
Anyways. . .  : P

Fast forward through 15 years and you will know that Levi is and has been a true source of hope, laughter, compassion, amazement, encouragement..... and love. I wouldn't ask for absolutely anything different in a child whom God has blessed me with. And yes, for my girls who may SOMEday read this, I am blessed 3 times....not just once. : )

So as we prepare to celebrate a beautiful boy's birthday this weekend, I can only begin to thank God for His undeniable sovereignty, His plan and His protection as He brought this child into our lives. Our God is mighty to save!!

By the way.....plan of celebration? Invite four CRAZY teenage boys over for a camp-out in our backyard! Should be interesting to say the least!! ; )

Thanks for letting me tell you a story. I deeply appreciate my readers! : )

Sunday, March 20, 2011

"Is It Wrong For You?"

This could be considered a bold topic for me to share about and it could be rather offensive to some. I do not wish or desire to be offensive, but rather desire to share something I believe God put on my heart. You are most certainly entitled to your views, opinions and beliefs. . . just as I am entitled to mine.

With that being said - I will jump right in.
Why does there seem to be a double standard in our world today?
I don't mean like why the hypocritical thinking and such as some people observe Christians being. No, rather simply put . . . Why is there one standard for our children and another for ourselves??

If you're scratching your head and wondering "Alright, where is she going with this?" just follow along.

SO many times today and in times past, I hear these words, "It was GREAT! But don't take your kids!" Or you see in print "Not recommended for chidlren" Or you think of parents with alcohol in their refrigerator all the while telling their child/teen "DON'T even think about it!" And the list goes on. . . .

I'm not here to reprimend, scold, or step on anyone's toes only to question the existence that we have become through time.

WHY is there one set of rules for kids and quite the other for adults? If it is NOT good for our children WHY then is it good for us??!! I mean even the Minute Maid orange juice carton tells us "Put good in, get good out!" Do adults not have the concept down that IF your putting in not good things, your getting not good things out?! I believe we can certainly become desensitized to so much of this world today in so many ways! Little by little we began to see . . . it's not so bad. . . and we begin to call it entertainment. Entertainment for adults only. . .so to speak. . . and NO I'm not referring to any porn.

If it's bad for our children to hear, see, do. . . then why the HECK is it any better for us??!! It's as if the old saying still stands "Do as I say and NOT as I do." Are we not called to live life by example and most importantly in front of our very own children??!! As a very sweet friend recently was sharing with me concerning our grown children - "Live by example. . ." Couldn't be any truer words for sure!!! And yes this applies to still living by example even when our children have reached that so-called age of adult life. We don't simply say "Ok, you've reached the pinnacle, you are now allowed to do as you please. Go be yourself and enjoy it while you're at it." Noo. You want them to be all that God plans for them to be, not some person who has reached a certain age and now can do all these "adult things".

I firmly believe that the verses found in Philippians 4:8-9 holds very true for each of us regardless if you are a child OR an adult. "Finally, brothers, (and sisters!), whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me - put into practice. And the God of peace will be with you." Sooo. . .if we are truly living up to what these verses are telling us then shouldn't it be what is wrong for our children suddenly becomes wrong for us? And the same applies likewise. . what is right for our children should be right for us as well. I do NOT accept the thinking of children just can't handle the responsibilty that adults can. . . to that I say a bunch of HOGWASH!! As an adult your no super being able and ready to resist in the face of temptation, and for those who think they can watch out lest you fall. If you think I speak as a high and mighty person....think again. . . I am no such. I speak from experience, but in knowing that, know that God is merciful, mighty to save and picks us up just as we are and sends us on His way once again. . . stronger than before many times!!

So. Let's quit saying and thinking it's alright for us as adults because we know better and start saying HEY! if it's wrong for our children/teens/young adults then most certainly it's WRONG for us as well !!!!!

I will leave you with three thoughts: 1.) Live by example. 2.) Put good in, get good out! 3.) What's good for the goose is STILL good for the gander. . .adults and children alike!

"When Did This Happen?"

You know those surprising moments in life when something happens and you take a step back and say "Wow....who knew?!!" That happened to me last night with my Levi!

Levi told me he wanted to cook for his dinner. He looked at some recipes and quickly said "Let's go. . .I don't need this, I'm making it up as I go." So off to WalMart we went! I followed him around as he in no time made a decision on what he was making. He picked out his chicken, his pasta, his sauce. . .even his spice! I say spice as in singular because Mom would only allow him to buy one spice. As I told David this story later, he laughed and laughed some more. You have to know MOM is the practical one in the family....usually, therefore requiring that I only see the necessity of having just one spice to cook with. He wanted more - One for his chicken and one for his pasta. Heck I don't even know how to buy spices and this boy went on the row by himself and picked it out without any hesitation! It was none other than Beer Can Chicken spice. HUH? He seemed quite sure of himself, so I went with it.

While we were in line to pay he says "Hey Mom, do we have any beer at home?" NO SON. "Well, can I buy just one can of beer?" <even louder> NO SON! My lovely children just love to get Mom's attention in such wonderful ways. "How bout wine?"  <same response>  : P
He then proceeded to tell me how that chicken goes well with any alcohol. Yes, and he knows this because?? Anyways.....

We came home and he Chef Levi began his meal. Never once did he ask Mom for any advice! Would it have done any good to?! Haha! I did think about calling David once or twice to ask him how do you know when chicken is done. I was just concerned that Levi might eat partially uncooked chicken and get sick...ya know. Levi himself never questioned it. . .he would cook it, check it and cook some more. Such a cool kid he is. He even found a pan I didn't even know we had to drain his pasta too! And I must add that he found some other spices to add to his flavor, at home, as well. : )

When it was all prepared and ready to eat, Mom just HAD to take pics first. He did a fine job if I do say so myself!

I say all this to say . . . so many times in life we think as parents that we must teach our kids everything they need to know. How to this, how to that. . . . who to be, who not to be. But then God throws in a surprise and says "Guess what. . . .  YOU just thought you were teaching them everything. I can show you a surprise or two along the way still."

Even though this is a very simple example, I think it still fits the process. God lends us our children for a season. A season to grow them, inspire them, guide them and love them. But He is the One Who is molding, shaping and making them into exactly what He has in mind. . . regardless of our limited skills.

God doesn't need us to be everything in our kids life, as we think, just willing to sometimes sit back and watch the surprises come! :)

By the way - the name for his creation was "Beer Can Chicken with Cajun Pasta" Uhhh....yum!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

"I Have One.....What's Yours?"

The other day I was talking with a friend about her young son. He is six years old and had been talking alot about baptism. My friend, of course, had some concern about his age and wanted God to give her the wisdom to help him understand all that he could about believing in Jesus as his Savior. As I shared with her regarding my own children as well as myself, it began to feel as though God wanted me to share more openly to others my own testimony.

So here goes. . .

I was 5 years old. I was attending a private christian kindergarten as well as living in a godly christian home. I was very well rounded in learning about Jesus and all that He had done for me. It was very natural that I come to the knowledge that I was a sinner and I needed God to save me from that sin. I remember laying in bed one night and asking my Mother questions. God has given me truly a very godly Mother who has ALWAYS been such a presence in so many ways in my life.....I am blessed. She talked with me and I told her I wanted to ask Jesus into my heart. I prayed and accepted Him with the child-like faith that God gave me. Not long after, I would be baptized in our church.

But the story goes on. . . .

Fast forward to the age of 18. I was attending a church camp as a "counselor" because at the time I was considered to old to be one of the campers. I wanted to go and this was a way to be able to fit me in. Some of my FB will remember this youth leader we had at the time. His name was Zane Edwards. I loved this leader and his family dearly!! While attending camp, I began to just feel so unsure of everything. . . church camps can make you do that. :) I was unsure if I truly was old enough to really accept all that Jesus had done for me to save me. Five years old IS a very young age to take it all in. I couldn't remember all the thoughts and feelings I had had at that time. Sooooo.....I began to talk with Bro Edwards. I was very nervous - I mean WHAT were people going to think?? Here I was 18 years old and supposed to have been saved since 5! (To those reading NEVER matters what another may think!! What matters is your relationship with God....period.) He told me to go back to the bunks and read a chapter in John about Jesus and His sheep, and how that His sheep hear and know His voice. I read it some it again. I just didn't seem to find the peace I was searching for regarding the passage. I decided this was the time I needed to go and talk to Bro Edwards once again. I did and I will tell you that I truly wanted to know for sure that I was saved. I prayed the prayer of salvation and would later testify of it during the camp chapel time as well as back at my home church. I also would, once again, be baptized.

But wait. . . the story doesn't stop there!

Fast forward to the age of 27 now. I am grown, married, and have 2 children of my own. While attending this church, I went through some classes on sharing your faith with was called EE (Evangelism Explosion). Once again I am dealing with thoughts, concerns, DOUBTS of my salvation. I talk with one of the counselors there who welcomes in new members and tell her I just really want to nail down this matter of salvation. Long story short - - I once again pray, in my home, the prayer of salvation and once again I am baptized! I will tell you that all 3 of the experiences did not take place in the same church. That could have been a very interesting concept had they all taken place in one! Haha!

I will also tell you right here and now. . . I am a FIRM believer in once saved ALWAYS saved! No questions about it. I do truly believe that each of these experiences God was working in me as well though. I don't claim to know exactly the "why's" of what I have went through or experienced. I only know that God is sovereignly in control of my life and He has walked me through each stage regardless.

In years since, there have been times of people being asked to give their testimony and I would think to myself HOW in the world could I give mine?!?! I mean who is gonna believe a story like mine where a girl asks Jesus into her heart 3 different times and gets baptized 3 different times?? (There again it does NOT matter what another thinks. It is my testimony and doesn't have to match anothers.) I would sometimes question God. . . "So God, when did I get truly saved?" As I did that, I began to just sense that all roads were leading waaaay back to that very tender age of 5.

You see, I truly believe that God asks us to receive what Jesus, His Son, did for each of us with a very child-like faith. As I shared with my friend the other day, children have no hang-ups that we adults have. They simply trust and accept, at face value, what Jesus did for them. . .nothing more, nothing less. In Mark 10:14-15, it says, "...Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I will tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." So, I have come to believe that God truly saved me at the age of 5. It matters not though what I think, what I know, what I did, when I did it. For it is God, His mercy, His desire, His choosing, His sacrifice, His will that I was saved. . . no matter the age. It is nothing about me and simply EVERYTHING about Him....and Him alone. He gave all. I don't have to muster up enough faith, belief, knowledge or anything!! He gave me simply. . . enough.

There may be someone out there who is reading this testimony who like me has struggled with doubts through the years. I pray and hope that as you are reading this that you see that you are're're not some freak of nature that just can't get it right! :) I believe that God allows doubts in our life to make us stronger! I found a devotion in my Bible that says this: "If a man begin with certainities, he shall in end in doubts, but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end on certaintities." God understands our doubts, and He also knows how to see us through them to bring victory, peace, hope and faith.

So, that my friend, is my testimony shared with you! It may not look like yours, but that's alright, it doesn't have to. It's my walk with a God Who relates to me where I am in life and He loves me!! I pray that I am a light for Him and however He chooses to shine me is more than wonderful with me!

Do you have a testimony?

If you don't, I can share with you on how to have one!

A= Accept that you are a sinner in need of a Saviour!
B= Believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead!
C= Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and call upon Him to save YOU!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"For Parents of Grown Children and Parents of Somday Grown Children"

I don't normally Blog during the week, I save it for more of a weekend inspirational thing. But I felt led to on this day for certain reasons.

As most know we are living with 2 technically called "grown chidlren". I say it like that because they are nowhere near grown and have much growing to do. As I have said before . . . age holds no factor for telling us when we are grown. I could say we are walking through the valley of grown children. I know other friends will agree to that statement. Having grown children is SUPPOSED to get easier. I mean wouldn't you think that is the normal order of process? You start out being the over protective Mother who moves through all the different stages along with her child. . .  and one day *POOF* . . . you've done all the best you can possibly do, you send them on their way, and they start their new and exciting life in God's plans for them! Maybe that's how it works for some, but I'm thinking on this side of life. . . not so much. Probably moreso on the "not" side than the "is" side . . . and I believe that's where satan can trip us up. I get caught up in thinking everyone else's kids are so responsible, so on top of things, so right with God, so goal oriented, in such a great relatoinship with their name it! But if truth be told and if I went home with all these "wonderful" kids I'm sure God would show me otherwise. We never know what another is living with or through....however "wonderful" it may appear. Don't be deceived!

Without telling you everything you don't want to know . . . I will share with you that both my daughters have left home on their own for a couple of years and now have returned. God has His reasons why they are both back here and if I'm honest with you I have to ask "Why?' at times. They have both experienced their side of freedom, answering to themselves only (or so they thought....we always answer to God). One has lived a life I would have never chosen for her. But in all of this. . . I love them. I love them with my love and I love them with God's love.

In their return and in their stay, it has not been easy. God doesn't call us to a life of ease does He. Let me say as a Mother with small and growing children at home, you KNOW what your role is. When those "children" leave home and return. . . you pretty much haven't a clue what your role is. You are no longer the Mother who guides, protects, corrects, soothes all of life's hurts away. You are now one who prays, who trusts, who hopes, who tries not to fear the worst, who gives all control whatsoever over to the one and only true God. Sound easy? It should. God is faithful, trustworthy, far more knowledgeable than you EVER could be, loves them more than you do and He is the One with all the plans that are in His control.

But at times, we wonder. . . God what am I supposed to do to help guide these "grown kids"? What so-called rules am I supposed to place on them and say "NOT IN MY HOUSE YOU WON'T!" What am I to expect from them? What do they expect from me?

And this is where we can trip up.

You see it isn't about us anymore. We are D O N E. We rasied them to know right from wrong, to seek God with all of their hearts, to have a relationship and fellowship with God, to be for the most part (I hope) be responsible for themselves, to respect themselves and those around them. In all honesty, I have battled this. I have looked at other people's chidlren's lives and said "Why arent mine like this?" "Lord, what can I DO to make them be more responsible, more respectful, more seeking of God's will, plans and desires???" In doing that, it has caused hurt and friction in places it should NOT be.

But wait. . . . the whole ENTIRE reason I'm sharing this Blog with you is for this reason and this reason alone! It is something my truely wonderful husband has known and tried to show me all along.... As well, my dear Mother herself. And that is FAITH and faith alone. Faith that when GOD is ready He will turn their hearts and minds around, faith that when they go astray He will bring them back safely, faith that these kids were His all along and He just let me borrow them for a short that He is the Sovereign Lord He says He is and will ALWAYS and forever be in control....of them as well as me.

A very perfectlly perfect example my Mother told me just this morning. My Dad had NO parental figures in his life whatsoever. He left home as a very young boy to live on his own. The only godly influence I would say he ever had was when he was able to go to the little country church. My Dad was living a life that was not right before he met my Mother. I tell you all of that to say that when God was ready and His timing was perfect, He showed my Dad this was not the life that was right for him, that it was not God's plans for him to continue down this path. And in that time God changed my Dad's heart for the RIGHT plans!

You see it took NO parents making corrections, or guidances, or stipulations and no high expectations of him to turn him around. It was God and God alone who did it. No one else....period!  That in and of itself gives me great hope and peace. . . knowing that it requires nothing of me..... absolutely nothing! I'm free!! Know that as my very wise husband has put it......we will continue to love our children and to live a godly life before them., and to pray for them .....but it's in God's hands the outcome. . . .no matter what. : )

Thanks for letting me share some really heart felt stuff.
I sincerely would appreciate any and all your prayers.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

"What are you listening to?"

This past Thursday Levi was in a track meet. It was the very first relay race he has ran in. He is considered primarily in Cross Country, but in the off-season it corresponds over to track. With that said, it was one of those take forEVER races....literally. Each of the 4 members ran a mile with the baton. Levi was the anchor which need to have some speed in you to finish this thing up. ; )

As it came his time to run he prepared for the hand off. That went smoothly enough which normally does in this kind of race. But what he wasn't prepared for was the intense cramping up of his stomach after only the first lap around! As I said before, he is in Cross Country and with that you are able to run great distances.....USUALLY. He still had 3 laps to go and needed to turn his wheels on for the last one. I will tell you that Levi is a very awesome sprinter towards the end of his race and that would probably be a very good reason the Coach placed him where he was.

Now the story takes a twist. . . .

He is running and trying to keep his mind off of the present aching pain inside of him. As he continues, his friends began running along the sidelines screaming "Levi, RUN! It's your last lap! Go hard! Finish it up!" He questions them....while still running.....and tells them they are wrong! They continue their urgency in telling him "'s your last! Go hard! Finish!"
Well, if you haven't guessed it by now.....friends were O so  W R O N G! But Levi decided to believe them and therefore decided to give it ALL he had knowing that the sooner he finished....the sooner this pain would stop. Levi is also one to do well when the competition is in front of him. But what he didn't know was it was the wrong competition he was running hard to get in front of! They put the Freshmen with the JV and ran them together.....very confusing race to say the least. So here we have the scene. . . 1. Boy with bad cramps. 2. Boy with no visible way of knowing exactly who is competition and who isn't. 3. Boy with screaming friends telling him wrong information. 4. Boy gives it all he has to finish in front of (wrong) competition. 5. Boy finds out ....he has a whole other lap to go. 6. Boy who is exhausted still running.

I will tell you that he did finish the race, but did so with a good throw of the baton to the ground as well as himself. Needless to say, he was disappointed he listened to the friends.

As you may have seen by now, if you've read very many of my blogs, I LOVE to tie things in symbolically. I attempt to tie real day to day life in with our real day to day walk with God. I pray always that something said will help someone somewhere in their life. I ask God to always lead me in wherever these thoughts are going.

So...... with that in mind.....
I begin to see this story that could touch many. Not in the way of "O that's such a wonderful story!" but rather in the example of it .... the content. As I think about this story, I see a few things that stand out in my mind. Primarily the dominant one would be Levi and the wrong voices he listened to. This boy knew the right voice to listen to and that being his Coach, but instead chose to listen to other voices.

How many times in our daily life is other "voices" calling out to us? Do we choose to listen to them or keep our ears on the voice of truth? Do we let those voices change our perspective or do we choose to remain faithful believing in a God Who knows and will see us through?

There are many voices on the sidelines to distract us away from the truth. Sometimes they come in the form of our friends - mainly depending on how close their own walk is with God. I know that if Levi's friends had been staying close to the coach and talking to him, they too could have known the truth and not misled Levi. There's certainly the voice of the greatest deciever ever known. . . that being satan. He wants to call out to you every chance he gets from the sidelines to distract, to mislead, to discourage. But in knowing that ALWAYS know that God is greater, mightier and ruler over satan and he can do absolutely NOTHING that God doesn't allow....for your own good. God is the ruler over all....even satan. 1 Chronicles 29:12 and
1 John 4:4 confirms that! Many times it is US ourselves that can be our own worst enemy. We have doubts, insecurities, fears, mistakes, higher than normal expectations of ourselves that can come plunging at us in lots of different directions. We can assure ourselves in these times that our God loves us, cares about us, guides us and it is His grace and mercy that will carry us matter what......let me say again......NO matter what. His grace is sufficient! And think about it.....God uses our mistakes to make us stronger than we ever could have been before! That in and of itself is enough to shout "AMEN...THANK YA JESUS!!" So quit listening to all your doubts, fears and mistakes for our God is stronger and is making you stronger too!
At times the world is calling out in a very LOUD voice to tell you living for God is useless, boring, doesn't make sense, gets you no where, takes too much faith etc... They know how to candy coat their lies and decieve with the most subtlest deception. Afterall, sin always starts out slowly and innocently doesn't it? My friend, do NOT LISTEN! It's a still have another lap to go and you're running this race we call life with God! Hebrews 12:1....."let us lay aside every weight, and the sin that so easily doth beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us." We each have a race set before us. And we know that God is the One with the plans to see us through that race. Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." And in Job 42:1 we see that NO ONE and I mean NO ONE can mess up those plans....not even ourself!! "Then Job replied to the Lord, I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted." That's enough to make you wanna get up and do a happy dance right there!! : )

So my friend.....who and what are you listening to today?

Is it the voice of truth or is it the voice of deception?

1 Chronicles 15:58 "Therefore, my dear brothers (and sisters!), stand FIRM. Let NOTHING move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."
And may we one day be able to say right along with Paul's words "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."