Who hasn't longed for Jesus to come on back to the earth NOW and take us where our real home is? I mean let's get sensible ..... Heaven is a PERFECT place filled with no sorrow, no pain, no fear, no sin and unimaginable peace in every sense of the word! But it doesn't just stop with those wonderful things, it also indwells our Lord, Savior, Redeemer, Father and perfect best friend who we shall finally be able to see face to face. We not only shall see him, but feel His warm embrace of a hug that is just our size! No longer will his words be said in our hearts and souls, but now they will ring clearly in our very own ears! And that, my friend, is just the tip of the ice-berg as they say!
In my openess and honesty with you - for that is who I am - I will tell you that I have struggled with some very real fears in the past as I shared with you in a blog "If you read no other story - read this one" back in September. Fears of what I would hear or what I would read causing me to think my life is somehow not right with God or right with others. Fears of doubts that my struggles in my mind would always be there and not get better causing me to think "O no, something is not right with me!" Fears leading me to seek my sweet David as my wise and loving cousel assuring me once again that all is well and I had nothing to fret and worry over. I truly believe without a doubt in the world that the song Dave Barns sings "God gave me you" is so extremely TRUE. God gave me my David to see me through not only the good days we share, but also the storms of life we share.....I am SO BLESSED! No matter how many days in a row or how often in those days I would come to him seeking his reassurance of the truth I knew was right, but still needed his reassurance, he ALWAYS has been there to give it. I think I'm beginnig to ramble though - - :)
I think I have a point in here somewhere.
God has been doing some amazing healing in me and it hasn't been all at once, but rather at His always perfect pace. In that healing I have seen where God has allowed me to be able to settle my thoughts or maybe I should say let HIM settle my thoughts more often and not worry about what I may hear or read. Letting Him show me that it's really alright....nothing can take away from or add to in my life if God doesn't choose to. Anytime we feel that something is out of our control....it's ALWAYS under God's control. I'm the type of person who wants absolutely NO CONTROL whatsoever of my life....so God has it all.
As I started this Blog I was referring to heaven and such and how that we long to be there. I think as we grow older and we experience more and more of this world we live in it does have a very real way of causing us to just wanna go home....afterall that's what we were created for....this world is just a temporary dwelling place. As it has been said .... we are just pilgrims on our journey home. :)
In sharing all of this, I will tell you that yesterday I had read in a story about how a friend was telling another friend if you start having thoughts of feeling depressed or wanting to end your life then call me......and then I hear on Tv how that you need to stop taking this med for smoking IF you should start feeling depressed and want to end your life. And so goes the thinking....."O no! what if when I was struggling moreso back in the past and had thoughts of just how much easier it would be in Heaven....what if that meant I was depressed?!!" You see how the mind takes off with stuff! Or maybe I should say my mind! Ha! I think that satan know the things we struggle with and can have a great time IF he can keep us focused on our doubts and worries! But God is in control of him and he can do NOTHING that God doesn't allow for my own good. I mean who really gives a care of how I was or what I was or who I was?! God is my healer and helper and is continually making me into the person He desires of me. He knows my weaknesses and fears and He is greater that them all. And today.....I still know and still believe that it will INDEED be a much better place in Heaven and I still long for Jesus to return TODAY!!!!! Call me whatever you want, but I know God calls me ...... His own. And I will NOT fear.
So let God settle all those crazy thoughts, fears and doubts you may feel today. He can, He will and He does. :) And remember - - Peace is not a feeling, but rather the knowledge of knowing that God IS in control, no matter what you may feel!!!
May your day be beautiful on the inside today!
Wife & mother of 3-who writes to encourage you in all areas of life - Faith, HOPE, & Family are some of my favorites!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
"I don't deserve it....do you?"
Grace. . . simply put by a friend - "Grace is a gift of undeserved and unmerited favor."
Although I suppose today's message could have been about Peace and although I did not agree with the definition given for such. . . the word that caught my attention was GRACE. By the way, it's quite alright to NOT agree with the Pastor as it has taken me MANY years to accept this fact. Just a little tid-bit of advice for free. :)
Grace. . . like so many things God gives us is so undeserved. And yet He gives it willingly, gladly, completely and with no strings attached. We all know that grace is given for the sinner at the time of salvation. Once he was empty and now he is full....full of God's grace, forgiveness, mercy, healing, love. But sometimes we forget that grace is also for the one who has received Christ. For those of us who know too well the taste of failure, it helps to remember that even the great ones of the faith failed, yet God continued to use them, often in a deeper way AFTER their fall. Some of David's greatest psalms came AFTER his greatest mistakes. God calls him a "man after his own heart" 1Samuel 13:14. Peter, who was the very head of the disciples, denied even the very knowledge of knowing Jesus not once but three times. And yet we see God lovingly giving grace, pulling him back in and restoring Peter so that he could continue his work for the Lord. Abraham lied to save himself and yet he is the towering example of faith and is called "God's friend" James 2:23. The very disciples themselves, who walked, talked and loved Jesus would doubt, fail, sin, have weaknesses, as well as deny Him in public were still loved, forgiven, accepted, healed and made right with a loving God. And they were led to continue on even after their failures. God knew they would fall - - and yet - - He loved and forgave them still.
It is those who have lived in the depths of failure that God gives the call to shepherd others. This is not a call given only to the gifted, the highly trained- for without a bitter experience of their own inadequacy and failure they are quite unfit to minister God's genuine forgiveness and grace. I mean who really wants to listen to someone who has never had children before tell/advise/lecture you on how you should raise your child?? Therefore how much MORE meaningful it is when God can use us through our own mistakes and failures to reach out to others who are hurting as well?? We see here that nothing and I mean absolutely NOTHING is ever wasted in God's kingdom of work!! Our weaknesses, our sins, our missing the mark, our failures are ALL used to accomplish in us something far more bigger than we could ever understand....how awesome is that?!!! We also see that when we have experienced failure...we began to be more patient with others who may also be slipping in one way or another.
I read in my devotions that too many times we live in a quid-pro relationship with God such as; "I've been faithful to you, I've worked hard, so please give me this or that." OR, "I've failed again, I can't expect any blessings." We FORGET that our whole life is all about GRACE: a gift of undeserved and unmerited favor! Too many sincere Christians, facing their failures, berate themselves unmercifully and keep asking God for forgiveness. Each of us should memorize, hang on the mirror, and repeat daily: "There is therefore now NO [repeat NO] condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." Romans 8:1. Not only does He NOT condemn us; He even brings blessings from the ashes of our failures! Now who else could do that but GOD Himself?!?!? :)
My friend. . . God has an eraser unlike any that has ever existed. Man made erasers may wipe away the mistake, but sometimes can leave a smudge. God's eraser works perfectly everytime....no smudges, no wrinkels, no tears left! God wipes away ALL things we so bitterly regret!!
This would be a short blog for me....some may say "It's about time!"
I write to encourage others, to give hope to others, to strengthen others, to motivate others and to share always the Good News of what Jesus has done for me and for YOU.
So I leave you with this thought I read: "I do not ask for mighty words to leave the crowd impressed. Just grant my life may ring so true my neigbor shall be blessed." That says it all for me! :)
Be blessed.....for your living a life of GRACE, my friend!
Although I suppose today's message could have been about Peace and although I did not agree with the definition given for such. . . the word that caught my attention was GRACE. By the way, it's quite alright to NOT agree with the Pastor as it has taken me MANY years to accept this fact. Just a little tid-bit of advice for free. :)
Grace. . . like so many things God gives us is so undeserved. And yet He gives it willingly, gladly, completely and with no strings attached. We all know that grace is given for the sinner at the time of salvation. Once he was empty and now he is full....full of God's grace, forgiveness, mercy, healing, love. But sometimes we forget that grace is also for the one who has received Christ. For those of us who know too well the taste of failure, it helps to remember that even the great ones of the faith failed, yet God continued to use them, often in a deeper way AFTER their fall. Some of David's greatest psalms came AFTER his greatest mistakes. God calls him a "man after his own heart" 1Samuel 13:14. Peter, who was the very head of the disciples, denied even the very knowledge of knowing Jesus not once but three times. And yet we see God lovingly giving grace, pulling him back in and restoring Peter so that he could continue his work for the Lord. Abraham lied to save himself and yet he is the towering example of faith and is called "God's friend" James 2:23. The very disciples themselves, who walked, talked and loved Jesus would doubt, fail, sin, have weaknesses, as well as deny Him in public were still loved, forgiven, accepted, healed and made right with a loving God. And they were led to continue on even after their failures. God knew they would fall - - and yet - - He loved and forgave them still.
It is those who have lived in the depths of failure that God gives the call to shepherd others. This is not a call given only to the gifted, the highly trained- for without a bitter experience of their own inadequacy and failure they are quite unfit to minister God's genuine forgiveness and grace. I mean who really wants to listen to someone who has never had children before tell/advise/lecture you on how you should raise your child?? Therefore how much MORE meaningful it is when God can use us through our own mistakes and failures to reach out to others who are hurting as well?? We see here that nothing and I mean absolutely NOTHING is ever wasted in God's kingdom of work!! Our weaknesses, our sins, our missing the mark, our failures are ALL used to accomplish in us something far more bigger than we could ever understand....how awesome is that?!!! We also see that when we have experienced failure...we began to be more patient with others who may also be slipping in one way or another.
I read in my devotions that too many times we live in a quid-pro relationship with God such as; "I've been faithful to you, I've worked hard, so please give me this or that." OR, "I've failed again, I can't expect any blessings." We FORGET that our whole life is all about GRACE: a gift of undeserved and unmerited favor! Too many sincere Christians, facing their failures, berate themselves unmercifully and keep asking God for forgiveness. Each of us should memorize, hang on the mirror, and repeat daily: "There is therefore now NO [repeat NO] condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." Romans 8:1. Not only does He NOT condemn us; He even brings blessings from the ashes of our failures! Now who else could do that but GOD Himself?!?!? :)
My friend. . . God has an eraser unlike any that has ever existed. Man made erasers may wipe away the mistake, but sometimes can leave a smudge. God's eraser works perfectly everytime....no smudges, no wrinkels, no tears left! God wipes away ALL things we so bitterly regret!!
This would be a short blog for me....some may say "It's about time!"
I write to encourage others, to give hope to others, to strengthen others, to motivate others and to share always the Good News of what Jesus has done for me and for YOU.
So I leave you with this thought I read: "I do not ask for mighty words to leave the crowd impressed. Just grant my life may ring so true my neigbor shall be blessed." That says it all for me! :)
Be blessed.....for your living a life of GRACE, my friend!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
"Have you stopped and asked yourself?"
In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season do you ever stop and ask yourself "What is this all about? What does it all really mean?" I believe that Thanksgiving as well as Christmas are totally a time to see God in everything. We see Him in the time of Thanksgiving being totally the reason we are so very thankful for how He has blessed our year throughout with His provisions of grace, mercy, forgiveness, blessings and love. And we see Him in the time of Christmas, of course, because it is centered on Him coming in the form of a baby to save us all. It also reflects on the gifts of sharing our love with those we love because He loves.
But, this Blog isn't really about what I think of Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's about knowing the Maker of Thanksgiving and Christmas in a personal relationship. I will say that most likely all my FB friends know Him in a personal relationship....but there may be just that one who isn't sure or doesn't know Him that way....and for that one I share the following.
Have you ever heard the question asked "If you were to die today and went to Heaven and God stopped you and said 'Why should I let you into my kingdom?' what would you say?" Many people have what they feel are genuinely perfect answers for this and many consist of them being simply good enough to earn their way in. Others may believe that a loving God could never send anyONE to such a horrible place as hell and therefore make their way in as well. Well, sadly...neither thinking is right. There is only ONE way and ONE way only....and that being through the perfect blood that Jesus shed on the cross for our salvation. Through His sacrifice for our sins, we receive the grace that He freely gives. We receive it through faith and faith itself is also given to us by and through God.
I could really draw this blog out with more lengthy discussions. But I believe that salvation is simple and therefore should be presented in a simple manner. That statement reminds me of a very special Christian kindergarten teacher I had a long time ago. I had asked Jesus into my heart at the age of 5 (also being the time of attending her class). She had ran into my Mom years later and had heard that I was struggling with doubts of my salvation. She replied to my Mom "Tell her to quit making it so HARD." Salvation is not a complicated thing...but sometimes we as humans tend to make it hard.
First, know that we ALL have sinned. If you have broken just one commandment...and we all have....then you are guilty of sin.
Romans 3:10 - "As it is written: There is no one righteous, not even one."
Romans 3:23 - "For ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
Romans 5:12 - "Therefore just as sin entered the world through one man (Adam) and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because ALL sinned."
Second, the price has been paid!
Romans 6:23- "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord!"
Romans 5:8- "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
Third, how we receive our gift!
Romans 10:9-10 - "That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved."
It's as simple as ABC!
A= Accept that you are a sinner in need of a Saviour!
B= Believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead!
C= Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and call upon Him to save YOU!
Lastly, we know that when we call - He hears!
Romans 10:13 - "For EVERYONE who calls on the name of the Lord will BE saved!"
Ephesians 2:8-9 - "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and that NOT of yourself, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no man can boast." If it were by works anyway...someone would ALWAYS be better than you. . . and whose to say where the line would be drawn?? Side tidbit there. :)
There are many more proofs of God's love, His forgiveness, His grace and His salvation in the Bible. If you have a question regarding this topic, I would gladly TRY and seek an answer and get back with you. So ask! I don't have them....but I know WHO does! :)
Thanks for letting me share something SO very important with you!
And remember.....you are never too far gone, too bad, too unforgivable for God to pick up, dust off and say "Welcome my son/daughter!" He loves you that MUCH!
But, this Blog isn't really about what I think of Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's about knowing the Maker of Thanksgiving and Christmas in a personal relationship. I will say that most likely all my FB friends know Him in a personal relationship....but there may be just that one who isn't sure or doesn't know Him that way....and for that one I share the following.
Have you ever heard the question asked "If you were to die today and went to Heaven and God stopped you and said 'Why should I let you into my kingdom?' what would you say?" Many people have what they feel are genuinely perfect answers for this and many consist of them being simply good enough to earn their way in. Others may believe that a loving God could never send anyONE to such a horrible place as hell and therefore make their way in as well. Well, sadly...neither thinking is right. There is only ONE way and ONE way only....and that being through the perfect blood that Jesus shed on the cross for our salvation. Through His sacrifice for our sins, we receive the grace that He freely gives. We receive it through faith and faith itself is also given to us by and through God.
I could really draw this blog out with more lengthy discussions. But I believe that salvation is simple and therefore should be presented in a simple manner. That statement reminds me of a very special Christian kindergarten teacher I had a long time ago. I had asked Jesus into my heart at the age of 5 (also being the time of attending her class). She had ran into my Mom years later and had heard that I was struggling with doubts of my salvation. She replied to my Mom "Tell her to quit making it so HARD." Salvation is not a complicated thing...but sometimes we as humans tend to make it hard.
First, know that we ALL have sinned. If you have broken just one commandment...and we all have....then you are guilty of sin.
Romans 3:10 - "As it is written: There is no one righteous, not even one."
Romans 3:23 - "For ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
Romans 5:12 - "Therefore just as sin entered the world through one man (Adam) and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because ALL sinned."
Second, the price has been paid!
Romans 6:23- "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord!"
Romans 5:8- "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
Third, how we receive our gift!
Romans 10:9-10 - "That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved."
It's as simple as ABC!
A= Accept that you are a sinner in need of a Saviour!
B= Believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead!
C= Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and call upon Him to save YOU!
Lastly, we know that when we call - He hears!
Romans 10:13 - "For EVERYONE who calls on the name of the Lord will BE saved!"
Ephesians 2:8-9 - "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and that NOT of yourself, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no man can boast." If it were by works anyway...someone would ALWAYS be better than you. . . and whose to say where the line would be drawn?? Side tidbit there. :)
There are many more proofs of God's love, His forgiveness, His grace and His salvation in the Bible. If you have a question regarding this topic, I would gladly TRY and seek an answer and get back with you. So ask! I don't have them....but I know WHO does! :)
Thanks for letting me share something SO very important with you!
And remember.....you are never too far gone, too bad, too unforgivable for God to pick up, dust off and say "Welcome my son/daughter!" He loves you that MUCH!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
"An ant CAN move a rubber-tree plant!"
Have you ever stopped and watched ants? I don't mean watch it crawl up your leg and bite you. . .no, I mean really stopped long enough to observe them while they are working? They are such awesome creatures that God has so wonderously made....in my opnion anyways. :) They are SO dedicated to their task, they are there to work together and they are SO amazingly strong! This isn't a story really about the amazing ant and wonderful I think they are....though others would disagree to the latter statement....but rather just some awesome inspiration they gave me to share a blog with YOU!
The other day I was out with David, at one of our favorite spots in the woods, picnicing and fishing. I USUALLY don't fish if the fish aren't biting and this was one such day. I let David fish in solitude while I went to explore around. Would you believe I found an ant trail that went on forEVER?!? These were no small ants either. I know the trail had to be something like 66 yards long...at least if not more! It was an amazing trail too! I wasn't even aware that ants could make a trail like humans do! These ants had traveled this same path so many times through the brush and leaves working tirelessly to complete their task at hand. As I watched and walked alongside their path I noticed they were ALL carrying green leaves that were bigger than them at times. It appeared that one such part of their path led right up a tree and back down again. I believe they were taking down that tree bit by bit....henceforth my title came to be. :) Although not necessarily rubber it was indeed a tree!
I watched with curiosity as they all worked together towards one common goal. . .much like us today. We all are working towards a goal. What is your goal(s) in life? We have many. Some want a bigger house, more money, a better job. Or our goals can be more spiritual centered such as sharing God's love, His mercy, His forgiveness and His will with those we love and meet?
While still observing, I learned some different spiritual lessons that can be helpful no matter where you are at in life. 1.) Don't give up!! These ants were determined in their journey and no matter WHAT they met along the way. . .it wasn't going to defeat them. And we see that no matter WHAT God has allowed or placed in your life on your journey there is always victory at the end! 2.) God NEVER let's go of us!! As the faithful ant continued to carry his precious cargo (leaf) he never once dropped it no matter how hard and treacherous the terrain was. And this example gives us a thought of how God - being so very much stronger than an ant - carries us always - never letting us go - no matter how bumpy our path s of life may be. 3.) While walking around, I noticed there was an ant off in the woods and off the path. He seemed to be all alone and on his own path. After awhile, I saw that he was in fact not alone. He met up with others, who like him were tugging and chugging along though still not on the path as well. In seeing this it reminds me of the times I believe that we too feel like we are alone in our struggles-trials-burdens. . .but we are not. There are others who feel the same hurts, the same temptations, the same stuggles as us. Don't ever believe that you are the only one to feel the pain and struggles that you do. We would most likely be surprised at just how many there are that suffer as we do! In watching this same loner ant, I thought of how seemingly alone and so far from the others (though he soon found out he wasn't) he still trudged on with one main purpose in sight. I couldn't help but think to myself how much easier it would be if I could just pick him up and take him to his final destination instead of him struggling tirelessly over the rough terrain. But just as I was thinking that, I seemed to sense that maybe that is just how God feels about us. He is there always watching with a watchful eye - seeing us struggle- even falling at times. He must want to pick us up, dust us off and just take us to our final destination. But in doing that, He knows we would loose so much of who He wants us to become. Our character is shaped, our appreciation is increased and God shapes us into more of His own image through the rough terrain of "life".
And lastly, 4.) Just as the ant faced uncertainties and obstacles that were unknown ahead - we too face our paths of life with the same. But we have HOPE!! Isaiah 49:23c "Those who hope in me will NOT be disappointed." Psalms 54:4 "Surely God is my help; the Lord is the One who sustains me."
There is a saying that I find very helpful in times of facing the unknown and uncertainities of life and it goes like this: "Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God."
So......maybe those little faithfully dedicated creatures can teach us a thing or two in life! For even in the Bible it tells us in Proverbs 6:6-7, "Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider it's ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores it's provisions in Summer and gathers it's food at harvest." We have something the ants don't.....and that's a Commander, Overseer and Ruler Who loves us dearly and has His very BEST for us. His name is Jesus Christ the Lord of all! :)
As always....thank you SO much for reading and allowing me to share something from my heart with YOU!
Be blessed my friend! :))
The other day I was out with David, at one of our favorite spots in the woods, picnicing and fishing. I USUALLY don't fish if the fish aren't biting and this was one such day. I let David fish in solitude while I went to explore around. Would you believe I found an ant trail that went on forEVER?!? These were no small ants either. I know the trail had to be something like 66 yards long...at least if not more! It was an amazing trail too! I wasn't even aware that ants could make a trail like humans do! These ants had traveled this same path so many times through the brush and leaves working tirelessly to complete their task at hand. As I watched and walked alongside their path I noticed they were ALL carrying green leaves that were bigger than them at times. It appeared that one such part of their path led right up a tree and back down again. I believe they were taking down that tree bit by bit....henceforth my title came to be. :) Although not necessarily rubber it was indeed a tree!
I watched with curiosity as they all worked together towards one common goal. . .much like us today. We all are working towards a goal. What is your goal(s) in life? We have many. Some want a bigger house, more money, a better job. Or our goals can be more spiritual centered such as sharing God's love, His mercy, His forgiveness and His will with those we love and meet?
While still observing, I learned some different spiritual lessons that can be helpful no matter where you are at in life. 1.) Don't give up!! These ants were determined in their journey and no matter WHAT they met along the way. . .it wasn't going to defeat them. And we see that no matter WHAT God has allowed or placed in your life on your journey there is always victory at the end! 2.) God NEVER let's go of us!! As the faithful ant continued to carry his precious cargo (leaf) he never once dropped it no matter how hard and treacherous the terrain was. And this example gives us a thought of how God - being so very much stronger than an ant - carries us always - never letting us go - no matter how bumpy our path s of life may be. 3.) While walking around, I noticed there was an ant off in the woods and off the path. He seemed to be all alone and on his own path. After awhile, I saw that he was in fact not alone. He met up with others, who like him were tugging and chugging along though still not on the path as well. In seeing this it reminds me of the times I believe that we too feel like we are alone in our struggles-trials-burdens. . .but we are not. There are others who feel the same hurts, the same temptations, the same stuggles as us. Don't ever believe that you are the only one to feel the pain and struggles that you do. We would most likely be surprised at just how many there are that suffer as we do! In watching this same loner ant, I thought of how seemingly alone and so far from the others (though he soon found out he wasn't) he still trudged on with one main purpose in sight. I couldn't help but think to myself how much easier it would be if I could just pick him up and take him to his final destination instead of him struggling tirelessly over the rough terrain. But just as I was thinking that, I seemed to sense that maybe that is just how God feels about us. He is there always watching with a watchful eye - seeing us struggle- even falling at times. He must want to pick us up, dust us off and just take us to our final destination. But in doing that, He knows we would loose so much of who He wants us to become. Our character is shaped, our appreciation is increased and God shapes us into more of His own image through the rough terrain of "life".
And lastly, 4.) Just as the ant faced uncertainties and obstacles that were unknown ahead - we too face our paths of life with the same. But we have HOPE!! Isaiah 49:23c "Those who hope in me will NOT be disappointed." Psalms 54:4 "Surely God is my help; the Lord is the One who sustains me."
There is a saying that I find very helpful in times of facing the unknown and uncertainities of life and it goes like this: "Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God."
So......maybe those little faithfully dedicated creatures can teach us a thing or two in life! For even in the Bible it tells us in Proverbs 6:6-7, "Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider it's ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores it's provisions in Summer and gathers it's food at harvest." We have something the ants don't.....and that's a Commander, Overseer and Ruler Who loves us dearly and has His very BEST for us. His name is Jesus Christ the Lord of all! :)
As always....thank you SO much for reading and allowing me to share something from my heart with YOU!
Be blessed my friend! :))
Sunday, October 31, 2010
"When the police come....it's NEVER a good thing!"
My goal in every story I bring is to share a form of encouragement with each reader who may stop by. Sometimes that encouragement may be sprinkled heavily throughout my story or other times spotty. . .here and there. . .maybe a little more here than there. Hopefully though. . .it shows itself however hard you may have to look to see it. :)
As the title states: "When the police show up. . .it's NEVER a good thing" and that is O SO true.
I begin my story with saying It REALLY does matter what you put on the night before, when you go to bed, because you just may have to go and be seen in it the following morning. Not a fun thing I will tell you. : P
This past Wednesday morning, at about 6:00am, I was woke up out of a sound sleep by my door bell ringing repeatedly as well as hard knocking. David had recenlty left for work, Heather was out for the night and Levi was sound asleep in his room. As I jumped from the bed my mind was racing with who and what was on the other side of that door! I knew that Heather had not been feeling well the evening before. She had even thought she was going to pass out she felt so sick. I imagined it was someone bringing her home because she was too sick to drive herself and they didn't know how to get in the house. As I looked out the window I could only see headlights. I answered the door with a pounding heart only to have it beat twice as hard when I saw what was standing before me. . . a policeman. He was there with the neighbor from behind us and neither appeared to be in the friendly sort of way. . . mainly because they weren't. You can only begin to imagine what thoughts were racing through this little mind of mine at this time!
The policeman spoke up and said something like "Well, I wouldn't be here if I didn't have a good reason to be." Hmmm....so very profound he is. And your reason is?? He then proceeded to tell me that I have two dogs in this neighbor's backyard. I knew then where this was headed, or so I thought. This wasn't the first time my neighbor had been upset because of a DUMB pit bull my daughter brought with her when she moved back home. Shiner (the dog) had broke through once before and terrified them. The neighbor had said he wanted to shoot him, but didn't because his wife begged him not to. He stated that should it happen again he would indeed shoot him. Well, it did happen again and guess what?? He didn't shoot him....again. Same scenario played out with his wife. This time though they decided to get the police involved. Meanwhile, my other dog who is much more tolerable is drowning in their pool. Nice huh.
You see we have NO idea whatsoever how long these two were in this backyard and how long this poor exhausted dog had actually swam around their pool with no way out. We have theories, but no real answers. We do know it happened sometime during the night and we do know it didn't make for happy neighbors when they let their poodle out in the morning. As I was listening to the police and neighbor talk to me I could only think "What am I gonna do and why can't David be here?" They told me then that I needed to come NOW as in NOW right NOW and nothing else but NOW. They misled me (because they didn't know better) and told me my oldest dog was half dead and they weren't helping her because they were scared Shiner would bite them. We had 3 dogs by the way. They insisted that I come at that moment that I left my front door wide open, in my pj's that I don't gladly wear among the outer lying population, and my son sleeping unaware of anything whatsoever. As I did so, I followed the neighbors and police around the cul-de-sac to the street behind us, through the neighbor's house and into their backyard. First thing at hand, go get my poor dog out of the pool. It was then that I saw it was the middle dog, Lacie. She was so scared out of her mind with exhaustion that she acted like she didn't even know me. She begin growling at me and they were all standing back saying franctically "She's gonna bite you...she's gonna bite you!" At that point in time I did not care....I mean c'mon people....really?! My goal was to rescue the giant fur ball of dog who on a dry day probably weighs 65lbs but on a wet day like NOW...weighs at least 75lbs. I tugged and pulled her and out she came. Later we would see that all that bleeding come from her was a result of her literally scraping her nails down to nothing at all trying her best to claw her way out. Meanwhile, scared neighbors along with scared police start saying where is Shiner?!?! Ah, Shiner enters scene. I will tell you that all their scaredness and shouting only made things made things more unmanagageable. Shiner may have barked a few times and walked their way, but he was never once menacing and charging them. They started telling me to take the animals home. . . well I certainly would have COULD I have. The only cooperation I received in the neighbor's assistance was that they provided me a nice thin little leash to try and coax a very STRONG pit bull home along with my other dog in tow. They were so scared out of their minds (I guess I don't really blame their scaredness) but there was never really a threat to any of them. I tried putting the leash on the dog and he was too hyper and not allowing me to. At that time they had all ran in the house. They stuck their head out and said just leave the dogs there and come in....you can't handle them. I had struggled and was getting no where good. With all this surprise, confusion, embarrassment OF BEING HALF CLOTHED and unknowing of HOW IN THE WORLD was I gonna handle this alone....my emotions began to fall apart....and believe me.....that doesn't happen in general with me. I mean anyone who gets woke up, thinks her daughter is either sick or DEAD because a police is standing on your doorstep, and then having people say stuff like "Come now...hurry....do this do that....ok stop....forget it....we're calling the pound." who isn't gonna fall apart I tell ya??!!??! And the more I fell apart the more I couldn't get a hold of myself. At that point the police said "Mam, you need to calm down." To which I think, yes that would be a lovely thing to do...IF I could. I told them one of the reasons I was letting it all catch up with me was for the fact of thinking Heather was not good or worse. That got them to thinking....yeah...this couldn't have been a good situation for me to be in.
The police began asking me for all kinds of info at this time....even down to David's DL# (yeah like I know that!) his social security number (I did know that one) birthday, phone number and such. Heck, I don't even know my SS# when he asked for mine....WHY would I? I'm a housewife for almost 23 years...like I'm gonna need that! Ok....get off my box here. : P The neighbor handed me his phone and asked if I wanted to call David. I did but my fingers were so shaking. David wasn't available so I leave him this pathetic message and starting to cry again at the end. All he knew by the time he listened was something about his wife and the neighbors. . .and then there was a lot of background unfamiliar voices that he could hear. Nice way to have your husband hanging. As they stood there and talked among themselves how that Animal Control offices run bankers hours, I decided I had to do something. I was tired of standing there, in a neighbor's house, poorly clad, crying and feeling helpless. Besides, I had to get back to my house and make sure my son was safe and got up for school. I went outside to start the process again of getting these two home. Meanwhile, lovely Shiner had taken up his tradition of non-stop humping on poor Lacie..... When I say non-stop, can I tell you how LITERAL I'm being!! I decided to get the leash and hook it to Lacie. I thought she would be the most willing to get out of there and Shiner would just come attached.....somehow. Decision was QUICKLY shown to be a negative one....in every way. Besides having a dog attached to her...she had just basically shut down and was NOT going anywhere willingly. I tried....and I tried....and kept trying with all the strength I could summons to get that dog to walk....not happening. I began to literally drag this giant clump of fur. And where were the neighbors?? Staying safely in the house most likely having no clue whatsoever of what I was enduring. And where was the police?? In the front yard...staying a "safe" distance away and shining his very bright flashlight on me and the dumb dogs. I was crying, begging, pleading with Lacie AND at the same time slapping, hitting and kicking stupid Shiner off of her as I drug her. All the police would say is "Do you have Shiner on a leash?" to which I said "NO!" THAT LEASH WAS WORTHLESS FOR HIM. And he told me "Mam, you really shouldn't be doing that." when I was beating Shiner the best I could. Well, what in the world was HE doing to help me then. I had no resort whatsoever BUT to do what I was doing!
I will tell you that you can only drag a dog, who has become a 100lbs now with all the resistance and being soaked, so far before exhaustion has set in... and no help whatsoever. It was then that I looked up and crying I said "God, PLEASE help me!" I believe at that moment He must have given me the simple instruction that I needed to start pulling her by her tail. I remembered with Levi's pig as well as with the goats and sheeps the kids are raising that when the animals become too hard to handle that you guide them with their tail by pulling it. I will say this worked for the most part, but still I was literally dragging her. My back began to give out somewhere in that time frame. It was cramping up in a tight way. I had to stop every few feet and rest, all the while crying, and being so exhausted. The police just continued shining his light and waiting. O...yeah at one point as I'm struggling he says "Can you put them in your house?" The police and neighbors weren't about to let me put them back in the yard. I told him "NO!!!" and he says "Why not?" I refused to answer him, mainly because of crying and exhaustion and I was getting really mad at him about now. He did suggest the garage after that. Even that was not a good place for them to be...but I had no other option. As I finally entered our yard, I went and opened the garage. The dogs decide then that they are gonna walk and go check out the policeman. GREAT! As I said before, there was never a threat, never once an unsafe moment of danger. I got them both in and the police left. Lacie had blood coming out of all of her paws by now, but all I could do was leave them where they were.
I went inside to wake Levi up for school. I was even moreso overcome with emotion from the entire experience that all I could do while waking him up....was cry. Poor kid....what a way to wake up to. He jumped out of bed when he was fully awake and came hugging me and saying "Mom...what's wrong?" I tried my best to relay a shortened version of just what had happened....while blubbering the whole time. My sweet boy then hugged me and stepped into action. All I could do is just go find somewhere to sit and try to get a hold of myself. He went in the garage to check on them. He doctored Lacie's wounds as best he could and tied Shiner up in the garage....otherwise that place would have been a literal WRECK had he not. He then went to the backyard and tried to cover and restore the places they had escaped under. During this time, I called David again....no answer. He calls me back in a bit and then here comes the flood gates of being overwhelmed with it all once again. David told me "You are gonna have to calm down. I can't understand you." I did manage to get the story out of the ordeal and he began to just be quiet. I thought maybe he was somehow upset with me. It was the police he was most upset with and their lack of help for me. BTW...the neighbor is also a police. I also called my Mom and told her the whole story.....during this time I started seeing flashing lights in my eyes. My Mom told me I had probably got my blood pressure up too high and stress was taken it's effect on me. I needed to eat, shower and lay down. I still had to get Levi to school though and he was late. While Levi had just got in the shower, I get another knock on the door and I'm thinking "What now??!!" It was the Animal Control/pound coming to collect it's canine. I will spare you all the details of this part....although once again it was quite overwhelming. The pound guy was extremely understanding and could easily tell I had been through alot already. He wasn't able to give me alot of help, but it was moreso than the others had given me in taking care of this task. I will stop and say here....How do you tell a dog bye that you have wanted gone ..... but just the same you knew his plight and in all fairness of the word....it wasn't really fair at all that he must die just because of his breed. He was so sad looking just sitting there quietly in the truck as if he knew...... After, I left to go back inside the house I thought maybe just maybe SOMEONE would have a heart and give this guy a home anyways. So I ran back outside and told the man "He has all his shots and everything is good and up to date." He then told me sadly "Mam, there is nothing at all I can do to help this dog. It's these kinds of situations that are the hardest. He will be put down for sure....no questions about it." He even told me it would be within a few hours. : /
Once I got back inside the emotions came back and just hit me....again. I ate....but I started feeling not good at all. I still had Lacie's blood all over my feet, but there was no way I could take a shower feeling like this. I laid down for awhile, but no relief. I ended up vomiting. I laid back down for hours waiting on David to come home and trying to sleep. Sleep came very little.
I will tell you that if you didn't know it by now....I have the most wonderfulest husband in the world! He brought home red jello, ginger-ale, crackers and peppermint water. He fixed it up and had me come sit down and try to eat. As I did, he sat with me just being there for me. Once he saw I was alright, he went outside to see what he could do concerning what the dogs had done. But, while he was out, I took another turn for the worse. I stuck my head out and sadly said "I need you." He came in right away and led me to the bath. He sweetly told me "Now I want you to take a bath...but don't go getting the water too hot like you sometimes do....you don't need to drain yourself even more." I followed his orders and the my sweet David once again was right....it was just what I needed. : )
While I was there, Heather had came home....I was NOT looking forward to this in the least. I knew she would take it very HARD. And I was right....there was screaming and crying. Later would come the threats and anger of just what she planned to do to these people. But, as David has reminded her over the past days since this happening that these neighbors were NOT the reason our dog was sent to the pound and killed. He told her the reason being was that he had no right whatsoever to own a dog he could not keep within his own yard and thereby posing a threat to others. Had the neighbors sweetly came over and said "Please come get your dog and put him back." we still would have had no other choice but to do what we did. We later found out that she went and called her sister who was in Denton at college. So, now we have TWO very upset girls who were both on their way to work....and continued crying throughout their worktime. I knew Heather had her boyfriend there at work to take care of her....he works at the same place. But, I had no clue whatsoever who would comfort and console and help my Savannah. All I could do was send her a text letting her know I was thinking of her and promising all would be alright. I got no reply.... In the days since it has gotten better with time, but there have been some real anger times that we have had to help Heather with the best we could....she's not one to be easily helped if upset.
Things have calmed down considerably. Savannah is in town this weekend, she has handled it well for the most part. Heather is even calming down and seeming to accept the outcome. Hey she can even go in the backyard again....which she thought never would be possible again! : ) Jenna, our oldest dog, is once again able to eat too! Shiner had become such a bully that he wouldn't allow her to eat!! Peace is returning on the homefront. And yes....I even feel un-overwhelmed, happy and much better! : ) Thank ya Jesus!
As always....with all my stories I want to share hope and encouragement. And there is hope. As I re-enacted all of my story to myself I began to wonder WAS God helping me and seeing me through in such an overwhelming situation? My answer....yes....yes He had to be. For He has promised to be with us ALWAYS, never leaving nor forsaking us. And always near and close to the broken-hearted and crushed in spirit....I think that applied to me. : ) I know things could have turned out SO much differently for the worse and guess what....it didn't thank God. And afterall, who else but God could have help me lift a drowning and distraught 75lb dog out of a pool alone?? Or who else would have whispered in my ear....grab her tail and drag her? Who else could have supplied the right people in my life (my wonderful David, my sweet son and my awesome Mom) to help me calm down and get better once again? I'm sure there were many more instances that God was at work and I probably didn't even realize all the effort He had indeed poured into seeing me through! We serve an AWESOMELY AMAZING God we do!! : ))
So that is my story of the no good, overwhelming, terrifying and truly exhausting day .... that later would turn into the blessed, grateful, and rejoicing day of God's provisions and how He took care of me and my little family through the bad times and the good times. : )
Thanks so much for letting me share a very long and extended version of it. ; )
Blessings to you my friend!
PS: I hold no remorse or unforgiveness for my neighbors nor the police. Although they could've been much more helpful, I understand their fear and concern for their own safety.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
"Weird is GOOD!"
If I could count the number of times my loving, wonderful children have said "Mom, you are SO weird." I probably wouldn't have enough hands to do it on! Ha! As my husband often reminds me when my kids come up against me...they are just jealous of me! And it's then I see the humor of it all and laugh back with victory over their short-sightedness. :))
Weird is good in my opinion! It means you stand out. You are not like the rest. You have your own way of thinking and doing. You don't fall in the groove of doing exactly just like everyone else. You are your own person! I often tell my kids when they are being critical of others that just because that particular person isn't like YOU doesn't mean they are wrong. Too often I think we can get caught up in thinking It's our way or no way. But God has made us all different and for a good reason too! "God has designed each of us so there would be no duplication in the world. No one has the exact same mix of factors that make you unique. That means no one else on earth will ever be able to play the role God planned for you."
I find enjoyment in expressing myself to others through writing. So many times people may not exactly know the REAL me any other way. :) I can be the silliest, the goofiest and the most kiddish adult you've ever met. I love not acting very adult like most times. These times cause my kids to groan and roll their eyes of course. But hey who really cares! Their kids will do the very same to them, this I know! I absolutely LOVE shocking people in BIG WAYS ....ways they never would have guessed would come out of such a sometimes quiet person who on the outside appears reserved but on the inside is plotting her next silliest moment!! :)) It brings me great joy! Haha! And if you tell me you never would have guessed that from me....well that's just icing on the cake! I have noticed this "virtue" in my daughter, Heather. She feeds off of others disbelief in her openess and being uninhibited in situations that would cause others to shrink back. In thinking of other certain areas of my life, I see my other two kids as well. SO....they aren't as far removed from their "weird" mother as they seem to think. : P Ha!
I must confess that I come from two very "weird" parents myself. ; ]
But in all their weirdness they have managed to prepare and raise another human being (me!) into being a loving, sensitive, responsible, Christ - centered, happy, successful.....and yes even extremely silly person. And that is NOT bragging on myself, but it is bragging on their part in all the love, time, effort and example they have poured into me. And....hopefully one day.....I can see those positive results in my own "weird" children. : )
So, my role is to be weird, different, unique, silly and sometimes serious and in doing so.....be the one who drives my kids crazy, my husband to smile and others to know.....it's OK to be weird...... because weird is GOOD!
Thanks for reading!
Have a wonderful day....and while you're at it.....go and be weird my friends and know that it's all good!
Weird is good in my opinion! It means you stand out. You are not like the rest. You have your own way of thinking and doing. You don't fall in the groove of doing exactly just like everyone else. You are your own person! I often tell my kids when they are being critical of others that just because that particular person isn't like YOU doesn't mean they are wrong. Too often I think we can get caught up in thinking It's our way or no way. But God has made us all different and for a good reason too! "God has designed each of us so there would be no duplication in the world. No one has the exact same mix of factors that make you unique. That means no one else on earth will ever be able to play the role God planned for you."
I find enjoyment in expressing myself to others through writing. So many times people may not exactly know the REAL me any other way. :) I can be the silliest, the goofiest and the most kiddish adult you've ever met. I love not acting very adult like most times. These times cause my kids to groan and roll their eyes of course. But hey who really cares! Their kids will do the very same to them, this I know! I absolutely LOVE shocking people in BIG WAYS ....ways they never would have guessed would come out of such a sometimes quiet person who on the outside appears reserved but on the inside is plotting her next silliest moment!! :)) It brings me great joy! Haha! And if you tell me you never would have guessed that from me....well that's just icing on the cake! I have noticed this "virtue" in my daughter, Heather. She feeds off of others disbelief in her openess and being uninhibited in situations that would cause others to shrink back. In thinking of other certain areas of my life, I see my other two kids as well. SO....they aren't as far removed from their "weird" mother as they seem to think. : P Ha!
I must confess that I come from two very "weird" parents myself. ; ]
But in all their weirdness they have managed to prepare and raise another human being (me!) into being a loving, sensitive, responsible, Christ - centered, happy, successful.....and yes even extremely silly person. And that is NOT bragging on myself, but it is bragging on their part in all the love, time, effort and example they have poured into me. And....hopefully one day.....I can see those positive results in my own "weird" children. : )
So, my role is to be weird, different, unique, silly and sometimes serious and in doing so.....be the one who drives my kids crazy, my husband to smile and others to know.....it's OK to be weird...... because weird is GOOD!
Thanks for reading!
Have a wonderful day....and while you're at it.....go and be weird my friends and know that it's all good!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
"Where do you find your hope?"
Just what is hope and where do you find it?
One definition could be put this way: Hope is confidence in what has not happened yet.
The dictionary puts it this way: A.) a desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment.
B.) someone or something on which hopes are centered
So we see that hope can be confident and certain of what has not happened yet, as well as having someone or something on which our hopes are centered.
Many people each day are seeking hope in different ways. Hope for better health, a secure future, more stability, a successful life, peace of mind....and the list goes on. But maybe the question should be is WHERE are they seeking their hope from and in WHO are they seeking it from? The Bible tells us in Psalms 62: 5-6 "Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my HOPE comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken." Also in Isaiah 49:23c "Those who HOPE in me will not be disappointed." So, we see that our hope comes from and is in....God and God alone. Your hope, if sought through any other, will eventually turn up empty and temporary.
There are many reasons to seek hope in the One Who knows us best. A few would be - He is sovereignly in control over any and all circumstances and situations you may find your life in. Proverbs 20:24a "A man's steps are directed by the Lord." Proverbs 16:9 "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." He is our trust. Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." He is our rescuer and sustainer. Isaiah 46:4b "I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you." He is our protector. Psalms 16:1 "Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge." He rules over EVERY power and authority. Colossians 2:10 "And you have been given fulness in Christ over EVERY power and authority." 2 Thess. 3:3 "But the Lord is faithful and He will strengthen and PROTECT me from the evil one." We know that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. 1 John 4:4b "Because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world."
As I said these are just a few....there are many more.
Sometimes our hope requires that we wait.....and waiting is one of the hardest tasks to do! Though it may be hard, difficult and sometimse discouraging....our hope is with Him Who knows. "God's timing doesn't always coincide with our immediate plans. Sometimes He requires that we wait and hope." Psalms 27:14 "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." Throughout scripture we see that we are to wait for the Lord....not for the thing we want, but for the Lord. "God sends the strength and nourishment to face what comes our way, not all at once, but day by day." There are times we seem to keep waiting and hoping...the answer doesn't seem to come. What are we to do? Keep on believing God's Word! Never be moved away by what you see or feel. As you stand steady, great power and experience are being developed. "The fact of looking at the apparent contradiction as to God's Word and being unmoved from your position of faith makes you stronger on every other line. Often God delays purposely , and the delay is just as much an answer to your prayer as is the fulfillment when it comes."
"To believe is to give God the right to answer our prayers in the way He sees best. Remember, Jesus never gave a sermon on unanswered prayers b/c, from His viewpoint, ALL prayers are answered."
And I am reminded that just as my status says (for today anyways) "Sometimes He takes us out of situations, problems or needs; other times He takes us through them. Regardless fo the way He works in our lives, we can trust Him as our ever present guide for today."
"God is the God of every tense....past, present and future!
He is the help of our past, the hope of our future, and the all sufficient One for this very moment." Hebrews 13:6 "The Lord IS my helper. I will not be afraid; what can man do unto me?" Psalms 54:4 "Surely God IS my help; the Lord is the One who sustains me."
My son, Levi, is raising a pig for FFA. It has been already and is an experience! In thinking about pigs and such I was reminded of the story of "Charlotte's Web". Without going into alot of detail because most everyone knows the story afterall....I looked up some lines said by the characters from the book. In one such instance Homer Zuckerman is talking about little Wilbur being such a miracle in a time when miracles weren't really seen. As he pauses to think he says "How could this have happened? A miracle, in a time when we don't see many miraculious things! Maybe we do. Maybe they're all right there around us everyday, we just don't know where to look." I shared that to say....there is ALWAYS hope and hope is everywhere. Stop and look....in every situation there is hope. And hope doesn't have to be found just in the big things of life. Hope can show up in the smallest of places. . . a rainbow in the sky, a kind word spoken by a friend, a penny found on the ground telling us that "In GOD we trust", a hug just when we needed it the most, sunshine after the rain....or even sunshine during the rain! Again...a small list of examples of such a small word that holds GREAT BIG things in many ways.
Romans 8:28 (I believe one of the greatest verses) "And we know that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."
All things....not just some things work for our good and His glory.......HOPE.
God IS the God of hope!!!
Thank you again, my friends, for taking the time to read my blogs. I know I use alot of scripture which I hope you don't find too terribly boring :) But I want you to see that it is God who tells us these things and not just something I conjure up out of my head and try to spring on you. I also do use quotations of devotionals, at times, because I read such great things from them.
May your day be full of HOPE and every blessing today!! :))
One definition could be put this way: Hope is confidence in what has not happened yet.
The dictionary puts it this way: A.) a desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment.
B.) someone or something on which hopes are centered
So we see that hope can be confident and certain of what has not happened yet, as well as having someone or something on which our hopes are centered.
Many people each day are seeking hope in different ways. Hope for better health, a secure future, more stability, a successful life, peace of mind....and the list goes on. But maybe the question should be is WHERE are they seeking their hope from and in WHO are they seeking it from? The Bible tells us in Psalms 62: 5-6 "Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my HOPE comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken." Also in Isaiah 49:23c "Those who HOPE in me will not be disappointed." So, we see that our hope comes from and is in....God and God alone. Your hope, if sought through any other, will eventually turn up empty and temporary.
There are many reasons to seek hope in the One Who knows us best. A few would be - He is sovereignly in control over any and all circumstances and situations you may find your life in. Proverbs 20:24a "A man's steps are directed by the Lord." Proverbs 16:9 "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." He is our trust. Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." He is our rescuer and sustainer. Isaiah 46:4b "I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you." He is our protector. Psalms 16:1 "Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge." He rules over EVERY power and authority. Colossians 2:10 "And you have been given fulness in Christ over EVERY power and authority." 2 Thess. 3:3 "But the Lord is faithful and He will strengthen and PROTECT me from the evil one." We know that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. 1 John 4:4b "Because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world."
As I said these are just a few....there are many more.
Sometimes our hope requires that we wait.....and waiting is one of the hardest tasks to do! Though it may be hard, difficult and sometimse discouraging....our hope is with Him Who knows. "God's timing doesn't always coincide with our immediate plans. Sometimes He requires that we wait and hope." Psalms 27:14 "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." Throughout scripture we see that we are to wait for the Lord....not for the thing we want, but for the Lord. "God sends the strength and nourishment to face what comes our way, not all at once, but day by day." There are times we seem to keep waiting and hoping...the answer doesn't seem to come. What are we to do? Keep on believing God's Word! Never be moved away by what you see or feel. As you stand steady, great power and experience are being developed. "The fact of looking at the apparent contradiction as to God's Word and being unmoved from your position of faith makes you stronger on every other line. Often God delays purposely , and the delay is just as much an answer to your prayer as is the fulfillment when it comes."
"To believe is to give God the right to answer our prayers in the way He sees best. Remember, Jesus never gave a sermon on unanswered prayers b/c, from His viewpoint, ALL prayers are answered."
And I am reminded that just as my status says (for today anyways) "Sometimes He takes us out of situations, problems or needs; other times He takes us through them. Regardless fo the way He works in our lives, we can trust Him as our ever present guide for today."
"God is the God of every tense....past, present and future!
He is the help of our past, the hope of our future, and the all sufficient One for this very moment." Hebrews 13:6 "The Lord IS my helper. I will not be afraid; what can man do unto me?" Psalms 54:4 "Surely God IS my help; the Lord is the One who sustains me."
My son, Levi, is raising a pig for FFA. It has been already and is an experience! In thinking about pigs and such I was reminded of the story of "Charlotte's Web". Without going into alot of detail because most everyone knows the story afterall....I looked up some lines said by the characters from the book. In one such instance Homer Zuckerman is talking about little Wilbur being such a miracle in a time when miracles weren't really seen. As he pauses to think he says "How could this have happened? A miracle, in a time when we don't see many miraculious things! Maybe we do. Maybe they're all right there around us everyday, we just don't know where to look." I shared that to say....there is ALWAYS hope and hope is everywhere. Stop and look....in every situation there is hope. And hope doesn't have to be found just in the big things of life. Hope can show up in the smallest of places. . . a rainbow in the sky, a kind word spoken by a friend, a penny found on the ground telling us that "In GOD we trust", a hug just when we needed it the most, sunshine after the rain....or even sunshine during the rain! Again...a small list of examples of such a small word that holds GREAT BIG things in many ways.
Romans 8:28 (I believe one of the greatest verses) "And we know that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."
All things....not just some things work for our good and His glory.......HOPE.
God IS the God of hope!!!
Thank you again, my friends, for taking the time to read my blogs. I know I use alot of scripture which I hope you don't find too terribly boring :) But I want you to see that it is God who tells us these things and not just something I conjure up out of my head and try to spring on you. I also do use quotations of devotionals, at times, because I read such great things from them.
May your day be full of HOPE and every blessing today!! :))
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
"If you read no other story - please read this one. It comes straight from the heart"
First, let me say that this posting is a very real part of me being shared with you. It is seriously shared from my heart and I hope that you will receive it in the way God would want you to. I am a very honest, open and a real person to those I share with...not everyone can do that. I truly believe though that if I can share something in my life, no matter what, that I have experienced, then God can take it and reach whoever He chooses to bring hope, healing, encouragement, trust or whatever they may be searching for. That is exactly what I am praying this posting will do. I truly want Him to receive all glory, honor and praises and me to just be a vessel He can use to shine for Him.
Second, I want to shout "HOPE IS HERE!!" Jesus truly does save! There is freedom and EVERY debt has been paid - past, present and future! Jesus heals, He restores and He rescues!! :) "I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and rescue you."
Now on with the story. . .
As we know everybody falls sometimes. Sin is always present in our life for we are human. Rom. 3:10 assures us of that - "There is no one righteous, not even one." Also, Rom. 3:23 "For ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." These verses are not just applied to the unsaved and ungodly, but as to christians as well. At times in our life we let that sin become a little too dominant and it begins to take over in ways we never expected. Sin always always starts off small and innocent, but if left unchecked, it begins to grow and soon turns into something out of control. In knowing that we should desire to "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith..." I Peter 5:8. I will share with you now that for about 6 months last year....I fell into some very real sin in my life....not that I'm saying I didn't sin before that nor do I sin now....that isn't the case. No, I became a person that I did not recognize in the least. I will most assuredly smilingly tell you that I am NOT that person anymore, nor will I ever be again, by God's mercy and grace!!! :)) << sidenote. Sin is very real though and not something to be taken lightly. I could specifically name the sin(s) that I fell into, but I don't think that has any real value to my story. Sin is sin...no matter the name. I'm not afraid of your accusations, your analyzing, critical thoughts of me, or even IF you would forgive me if you knew. I can't say I've always felt that way, but God is healing me, and HE alone is my judge. James 4:12 "There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One Who is able to save, and destroy. But you - who are you to judge your neighbor?" And guess what?!? My judge says it's FORGIVEN and erased! Rev. 1:5b "To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by His blood." Like the writing from the airplane that is skywriting that simply disappears, Jesus has wiped away ALL things I so bitterly regret. Jesus does have an eraser! Rom. 8:1a "Therefore, there is NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." So, if you choose to see me through a negative light that my friend is between you and God....but I will not fear it. I know that I'm forgiven by the One Who matters as well as those I have deeply hurt....and that's all that matters.
Just always know that none of us are too good not to slip at times. I have lived my ENTIRE life knowing and living for God for I was saved at the age of 5. I know nothing before 5, so it's as if I've known God all my days. My most rebellious days that I can even remember would probably accumulate to something like this: me jumping on the bed and climbing out the car window PROVING to the missionary ladies that came to stay with us that I was in NO WAY whatsoever a good girl! HAHA! My mother on the other hand was wondering WHAT has gotten into this child?! As I got older there was a time that me and Stephanie Spradlin walked to Ty Hartis' apartment after school because we were both "in love" with him. Umm...yeah.... And then one night we decided to get really BRAVE, or really stupid whichever you choose, and climbed out her window to attempt to walk down Finley, no less, to his apartment once again. Let's just say we got out the window and back in again because we heard her parents coming. She got in LOTS of trouble whereas I on the other hand did not. :)) And yes they were sure to tell my Mom...she just gave me the silent treatment on the way home. Heehee! I was a good kid....no doubt about it. I won't say there was not any other mistakes along the way, because I'm far from perfect. But, what I do want you to understand is that sin happens to the very best of us...it doesn't just wait for the backslidden and ungodly to prey upon.
I will tell you now that, in you knowing that I fell deeply, God Himself has given me strength to rise from the ashes of my mistakes and He has allowed me to make a new beginning! I truly, firmly, honestly believe without a doubt that God did not promote what happened in my life, BUT He certainly allowed it....and there was a purpose. Sin promoted it, God allowed it....and I can praise Him now that He has. As well, that hasn't always been the case. This year has been a very TOUGH one indeed in many personal ways for me. I have had to deal with some very real fears, forgiving myself, and learning to trust. I know our biggest enemy is our mind, so I just go ahead and tell God "here I don't need this thing today, YOU take it".....who needs a mind anyways?!! :) I know that Jesus is the One saving me and I don't have to prove a thing! He has also provided me with such AMAZING, wonderful and true love throughout this time. I am beyond blessed! There are many who have encouraged me maybe without even knowing you did....may have been YOU. And I thank God for you. But, He has also placed some extraordinary loved ones in my life to most certainly help me along. . . that would be my David and my Mom. I know why God has placed them lovingly in my life and He has never made it so clear than through this experience in my life! There are no words to describe what love and patience they have shown me. Their love has been the soothing love of God in my life for sure.
Great strength can come from struggles and we can see obstacles as stepping stones placed in our life's leading us towards becoming more like God. I know for a fact that there is a purpose and design to my life and God has intentionally allowed ALL things - good and bad - into it for a reason. He uses the shadows of my life to make it richer. "God, our great Artist, uses a multitude of techniques in our life to help us become the people He created us to be. God keeps the water lilies afloat through the wind and rain that are part of life. Water gardens survive April showers and worse, and I will too, by God's help and grace!" We know Rom. 8:28 ALWAYS stand true in ALL matters of life as well. "And we know that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."
I share all of this with you, my friend, for one purpose....to give you joy, to give you hope, to give you strength, to give you trust if you are one who has slipped and fell along the way. Or even if you have not....there is still joy, hope, strength and trust in a faithful God. Don't focus on your doubts and failures, God is greater than those. Don't allow your past mistakes to keep you beaten down and discouraged. Don't allow the deceiver<satan to use his best tool discouragement to convince you are unworthy. Philippians 3:13b "Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead." Because He is near, we need not be anxious for anything. We are restored and renewed in Christ Jesus and with that restoration we become, once again, fresh, vibrant and alive Christians! Those who hope in God will NOT be disappointed!
Have hope, my friend!
"Thank you, Jesus, for your power in every part of my life today - renewing me physically, mentally and spiritually!!" :)
And thank you too for allowing me to be so very real with you. Maybe it's not like others to do this, but I am me. And I pray dearly that God uses something in me to reach something in you....dear friend. :)
God always has the plan in all things. Never stop believing....even when you don't see!
Please if you would...pray for me as God continues His journey of healing and restoring me....I would greatly appreciate it! Although these things have been done in my life we still go on needing it always. Thanks!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
"Busy....or not."
Well, I had an entire blog almost finished up yesterday and ready to publish, but then something you don't want to happen...happened.....I lost the entire story.....many thoughts and words. But, I do always pray "God, please use me to share whatever it is you would have me to share." and I am sure to know that He can use it or He can stop it and point me in another direction. Guess it was pretty clear then....go another direction....or maybe another day. :)
Maybe today God wants to use me rather in this direction.
There are times when I get on FB and it's seems to be so easy to fall into the trap of envy, coveting, jealousy...call it what you will. Maybe no other person has this perception as I do....but I bet if I searched the entire population of FB world I would come up with a few. :)
Let me try to be a little more clear with where I'm going with this. My envy is NOT in materalistic things and what you may have acquired in this lifetime....honestly speaking and I always do.....I could not care less what you may have. I'm quite satisfied and complete with all things I have materialistically speaking. Rather, it comes moreso in comparison of how you live your life, how your children live their life, or even how you relate to the social life part of living. At times, I read how people will post just how busy their life is...going here, going there, doing this, doing that and then ending with the phrase "Life is good!" It's as if to me they are saying "I'm busy...therefore Life is good!" or maybe they have children who walk an exemplary life, therefore they are blessed or they have an active social life that keeps them entertaining or being entertained by others....therefore once again....they are blessed. First, PLEASE let me say something....I'm in no way whatsoever saying you are wrong in any way by posting these thoughts and believing you are blessed....because you are! Most certainly you are!
Where I want you to see and what I need to remind myself to see is.....even though my life may not be the busiest in the world (in fact I ample amounts of time usually), my children may not walk that "exemplary life" yours does, and while David and I may not have acquired the social life you live.....I am still very blessed as well. :) In fact, I'm so amazingly blessed I'll probably never understand just how much until I get to Heaven. God has given me a life that is full of blessings everywhere and as my sweet husband and wonderful mom do remind me to stop and take a moment to count them.
I know that ultimately I find my purpose and blessings in God. He is intimately involved with me as well you and works out HIS purpose in each of us. In Philippians 1:6 it says, "Being confident of this very thing, that HE who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." It is important that we tell ourselves daily, "I find my personhood in the Lord Jesus and NOT in other people, not in success, relationships, or even ideal circumstances" only in Him and through Him. I also read in my devotions: "However humble our circumstances or undramatic our talents, our true purpose has been revealed. We were meant to be this person at this time and place. Not only for ourselves, but for you and other people - we were meant to make this particular contribution to the world." Whether it be small - whether it be big - God knows and God can use. "And so we must do it with faith and patience, with all our strength and passion. And in so doing, discover who we really are."
We are to "Set your mind on things above, and not on earthly things." Col. 3:2 So, see it doesn't matter if my life looks like your life or vice versa, for we are not here to compare earthly matters, but rather to focus on what really matters....and that is to be a vessel God can use however He chooses.
One last verse to share....I hope I haven't lost you! :)
"But godliness with contentment is great gain." May you and I both have or ask God to give us that contentment He gladly gives.
So, preaching to myself, it really does NOT matter how busy or unbusy life is ....... what does matter is THAT LIFE TRULY IS GOOD in all walks of life!! :))
Remember.....always rejoice in the Lord and to be content....whatever the circumstances of life you are in. He is sovereignly in control....yesterday, today as well as tomorrow.
Thanks once again for allowing me to share some of me with you. Be blessed my friend! :)
Maybe today God wants to use me rather in this direction.
There are times when I get on FB and it's seems to be so easy to fall into the trap of envy, coveting, jealousy...call it what you will. Maybe no other person has this perception as I do....but I bet if I searched the entire population of FB world I would come up with a few. :)
Let me try to be a little more clear with where I'm going with this. My envy is NOT in materalistic things and what you may have acquired in this lifetime....honestly speaking and I always do.....I could not care less what you may have. I'm quite satisfied and complete with all things I have materialistically speaking. Rather, it comes moreso in comparison of how you live your life, how your children live their life, or even how you relate to the social life part of living. At times, I read how people will post just how busy their life is...going here, going there, doing this, doing that and then ending with the phrase "Life is good!" It's as if to me they are saying "I'm busy...therefore Life is good!" or maybe they have children who walk an exemplary life, therefore they are blessed or they have an active social life that keeps them entertaining or being entertained by others....therefore once again....they are blessed. First, PLEASE let me say something....I'm in no way whatsoever saying you are wrong in any way by posting these thoughts and believing you are blessed....because you are! Most certainly you are!
Where I want you to see and what I need to remind myself to see is.....even though my life may not be the busiest in the world (in fact I ample amounts of time usually), my children may not walk that "exemplary life" yours does, and while David and I may not have acquired the social life you live.....I am still very blessed as well. :) In fact, I'm so amazingly blessed I'll probably never understand just how much until I get to Heaven. God has given me a life that is full of blessings everywhere and as my sweet husband and wonderful mom do remind me to stop and take a moment to count them.
I know that ultimately I find my purpose and blessings in God. He is intimately involved with me as well you and works out HIS purpose in each of us. In Philippians 1:6 it says, "Being confident of this very thing, that HE who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." It is important that we tell ourselves daily, "I find my personhood in the Lord Jesus and NOT in other people, not in success, relationships, or even ideal circumstances" only in Him and through Him. I also read in my devotions: "However humble our circumstances or undramatic our talents, our true purpose has been revealed. We were meant to be this person at this time and place. Not only for ourselves, but for you and other people - we were meant to make this particular contribution to the world." Whether it be small - whether it be big - God knows and God can use. "And so we must do it with faith and patience, with all our strength and passion. And in so doing, discover who we really are."
We are to "Set your mind on things above, and not on earthly things." Col. 3:2 So, see it doesn't matter if my life looks like your life or vice versa, for we are not here to compare earthly matters, but rather to focus on what really matters....and that is to be a vessel God can use however He chooses.
One last verse to share....I hope I haven't lost you! :)
"But godliness with contentment is great gain." May you and I both have or ask God to give us that contentment He gladly gives.
So, preaching to myself, it really does NOT matter how busy or unbusy life is ....... what does matter is THAT LIFE TRULY IS GOOD in all walks of life!! :))
Remember.....always rejoice in the Lord and to be content....whatever the circumstances of life you are in. He is sovereignly in control....yesterday, today as well as tomorrow.
Thanks once again for allowing me to share some of me with you. Be blessed my friend! :)
Sunday, September 12, 2010
My daughter thinks I'm Amish
Hmmm....I must be doing SOMETHING right when my daughter thinks I'm Amish! :P
This response from her comes in a timely manner in which she thinks our two worlds exist nothing alike. Why is it that we seem to strive to be so much different from the very human beings that loved, cherished, nourished and would give their very lives for us? Why do we view them in such a way that we want to do everything possible to be nothing like them? I speak in most cases, but certainly not ALL cases.
I try to think back to the days of growing up, how I felt, what I thought about my Mom. I don't know...she probably irritated me, I probably thought she was old fashioned, maybe a little dominant. But, those things don't really stand out in my mind in a sense...what does is rather her love....for me. My Mom has always and I mean ALWAYS been there for me in every situation, every circumstance, every turn of life, and even in just the standing still times. She has been a counselor to me in so many ways with SO much wisdom and encouragement. She has applied the deepest of love even when I've hurt her the most. I can't imagine her not being here always to still help and guide me through this thing we call life.
Both of my daughters still have SO VERY much growing up to do. Age holds NO standard of telling us when we are grown by any means. In their eyes, of course, they have arrived and somewhere along the way Mom derailed and fell off the tracks. I am not saying they aren't grown because they don't appreciate Mom the way they should, but rather they have yet to see what this life is all about, what really matters and what is most important. Popularity, guys, parties, social events, friends, jobs, appearance and what makes ME happy is none of it. Rather it is God and God alone...pure and whole that makes life matter, life complete and what is most important.
And someday. . .they will know this too.
Heck, they might even realize Mom isn't so Amish after all !!
Until then, I will trust, I will wait and I will pray for them as God takes them on their journey of that He has designed for them.
I don't hope to sound like a broken record on here talking about my Mom and my kids. I really will have other stories to tell. These are just topics near and dear to my heart for now.
Thanks for reading. You are appreciated! :)
This response from her comes in a timely manner in which she thinks our two worlds exist nothing alike. Why is it that we seem to strive to be so much different from the very human beings that loved, cherished, nourished and would give their very lives for us? Why do we view them in such a way that we want to do everything possible to be nothing like them? I speak in most cases, but certainly not ALL cases.
I try to think back to the days of growing up, how I felt, what I thought about my Mom. I don't know...she probably irritated me, I probably thought she was old fashioned, maybe a little dominant. But, those things don't really stand out in my mind in a sense...what does is rather her love....for me. My Mom has always and I mean ALWAYS been there for me in every situation, every circumstance, every turn of life, and even in just the standing still times. She has been a counselor to me in so many ways with SO much wisdom and encouragement. She has applied the deepest of love even when I've hurt her the most. I can't imagine her not being here always to still help and guide me through this thing we call life.
Both of my daughters still have SO VERY much growing up to do. Age holds NO standard of telling us when we are grown by any means. In their eyes, of course, they have arrived and somewhere along the way Mom derailed and fell off the tracks. I am not saying they aren't grown because they don't appreciate Mom the way they should, but rather they have yet to see what this life is all about, what really matters and what is most important. Popularity, guys, parties, social events, friends, jobs, appearance and what makes ME happy is none of it. Rather it is God and God alone...pure and whole that makes life matter, life complete and what is most important.
And someday. . .they will know this too.
Heck, they might even realize Mom isn't so Amish after all !!
Until then, I will trust, I will wait and I will pray for them as God takes them on their journey of that He has designed for them.
I don't hope to sound like a broken record on here talking about my Mom and my kids. I really will have other stories to tell. These are just topics near and dear to my heart for now.
Thanks for reading. You are appreciated! :)
Monday, September 6, 2010
"Do the Hustle!"
Happy Labor Day to everyone! I hope the rain hasn't dampened your activities planned.
Now that I've entered the world of Blogging, I can't help but to be thinking of what my next blog might be about. I have graduated from searching for just the right status to the more illustrious idea of what will my next Blog be. Ha!
The other day I was cleaning. When I clean there are two things I love - 1. To have an empty house as in no other human forms in sight. 2. To have my music on. . . loudly. My kids KNOW when Mom is in the cleaning mode of mind. All they have to do is listen when approaching the house and if there are certain vibrations escaping the house walls then they are most sure that Yup, Mom is cleaning once again. :)
Now my music consist of whatever mood I may be in for that day. Sometimes it's old stuff, sometimes its new stuff.....and sometimes its just all in between stuff. I still say the best cleaning music is the Mary Poppins soundtrack! :)
I really do have a point to all of this....stay with me.
On this particular day I was cleaning to the sounds of Disco no doubt. Very energetic and inspiring music indeed. ;) It came to the song "Do the Hustle" and as always that song itself holds some memories. I have to smile and tell you this is one of my favorite songs. You see this became THE song that would always be remembered as the song that took me out of the world of public school and placed me in the "more serene" place of private school. I guess I owe this song a lot of value and respect in most cases, if truth be told, for without it I may have never had the wonderful opportunity to meet and be friends with a large portion of those of you here on my FB. :) And let me say, I'm so thankful for each and everyone of you!
Now, if you are sitting there reading this and wondering "What in the heck is this girl talking about??" I will try to clarify and not draw it out ever so long. I was attending public school grades 1-6th. In the 6th, my Mom began to question what she was seeing in the schools. Among some things, she saw disrespect of what was being taught at home verses what was being at school as right and acceptable. In so many words, she saw her daughter being punished for living what was right and valuable in their eyes and in God's. She couldn't accept that. And the straw that broke the camel's back, as they say, was where this very song stepped in. I've never been quite sure of just how my Mom came to find out, but she did, not that I was ever hiding it from her....no....she just found out. Too many years ago to remember. She had found out that the school was teaching her daughter to dance to songs for P.E! Ok, you can laugh here....I really don't mind...because I myself, her herself, in fact my entire family has laughed through the years over these circumstances. But way back then...it was serious. It was a matter of what was right vs what is wrong. She marched herself up there and very rightly told them that her daughter would by NO means be learning to dance as a form of Physical Education. Well, with that being said, they punished me instead. I was told each PE class to go to the library and write a 1,000 word (seriously i dont remember how many) essay on some random person or idea. I probably informed dear Mother at this time of what was going on. She would have none of it and that is when her and my Dad, along with much prayer I'm sure, decided to take me out of public and into private. As I said at the beginning, there was other things that were happening to make her come to this decision, but it will always and forever be known as ...... My Mom took me out of public and put be in private because I was dancing to the song of "Do the Hustle". {You can laugh again.}
I share all of that with you to make an even greater point. My Mom and my Dad did what they felt was right for me in my life. I can either choose to accept their love, protection, and values OR I can choose to think they really messed up, denied me of having a "life", kept me from living out in the real world. Today, I know I can say with all honesty....I believe they did exactly what was right and just for me....and I thank them. In saying that, I will also tell you through growing up I had my doubts about it. I couldn't help but think thoughts such as IF I had been allowed to stay in public maybe this or maybe that would be so different for me. But, in that thinking I realized this: God has/had a plan for me. God directs my footsteps. God chooses my path. And in knowing those things I can say "Thank ya Jesus!!"
In knowing all of that, I also know that we today as parents have many many decisions to make regarding our own children. We often wonder and fret about having made the right choice the right decision for them. We pray and ask God to guide us. Sometimes it can very well seem like we are blindly going forth and just trusting that God will make it all work out for His glory and our good. And as they grow up they make their own decisions for themselves and sometimes.....those decisions do NOT reflect what we would've chosen for them. We wonder where did we go wrong? But....we haven't gone anywhere wrong. They are God's children, if they have a relationship with HIm, They belong to Him and He alone loves them moreso than we could EVER think about loving them. He has a plan for them.....just as He had a plan for me many years ago. We trust God to take them down their own paths - EVEN when they are paths that seem wrong. No matter what, His plan stands and His path is perfect.
I know this is long, as I have said, I'm a writer and express much of me through it. I want to sincerely thank you for taking the time to read it. My husband and kids just roll their eyes when they see how much I write. Ha! :)
O did I tell ya....my parents are "dancers" themselves now....GO FIGURE! Yes, they love and enjoy the world of square dancing. Haha! I think that still fits in the description of the Baptist guidelines. {wink}
Thanks again and have a wonderful day of knowing.....God is in control and is leading you in your decisions. :)
PS: I made some wonderful friends back in the public school days that are here as my FB friends. I am deeply grateful for you all as well.
Now that I've entered the world of Blogging, I can't help but to be thinking of what my next blog might be about. I have graduated from searching for just the right status to the more illustrious idea of what will my next Blog be. Ha!
The other day I was cleaning. When I clean there are two things I love - 1. To have an empty house as in no other human forms in sight. 2. To have my music on. . . loudly. My kids KNOW when Mom is in the cleaning mode of mind. All they have to do is listen when approaching the house and if there are certain vibrations escaping the house walls then they are most sure that Yup, Mom is cleaning once again. :)
Now my music consist of whatever mood I may be in for that day. Sometimes it's old stuff, sometimes its new stuff.....and sometimes its just all in between stuff. I still say the best cleaning music is the Mary Poppins soundtrack! :)
I really do have a point to all of this....stay with me.
On this particular day I was cleaning to the sounds of Disco no doubt. Very energetic and inspiring music indeed. ;) It came to the song "Do the Hustle" and as always that song itself holds some memories. I have to smile and tell you this is one of my favorite songs. You see this became THE song that would always be remembered as the song that took me out of the world of public school and placed me in the "more serene" place of private school. I guess I owe this song a lot of value and respect in most cases, if truth be told, for without it I may have never had the wonderful opportunity to meet and be friends with a large portion of those of you here on my FB. :) And let me say, I'm so thankful for each and everyone of you!
Now, if you are sitting there reading this and wondering "What in the heck is this girl talking about??" I will try to clarify and not draw it out ever so long. I was attending public school grades 1-6th. In the 6th, my Mom began to question what she was seeing in the schools. Among some things, she saw disrespect of what was being taught at home verses what was being at school as right and acceptable. In so many words, she saw her daughter being punished for living what was right and valuable in their eyes and in God's. She couldn't accept that. And the straw that broke the camel's back, as they say, was where this very song stepped in. I've never been quite sure of just how my Mom came to find out, but she did, not that I was ever hiding it from her....no....she just found out. Too many years ago to remember. She had found out that the school was teaching her daughter to dance to songs for P.E! Ok, you can laugh here....I really don't mind...because I myself, her herself, in fact my entire family has laughed through the years over these circumstances. But way back then...it was serious. It was a matter of what was right vs what is wrong. She marched herself up there and very rightly told them that her daughter would by NO means be learning to dance as a form of Physical Education. Well, with that being said, they punished me instead. I was told each PE class to go to the library and write a 1,000 word (seriously i dont remember how many) essay on some random person or idea. I probably informed dear Mother at this time of what was going on. She would have none of it and that is when her and my Dad, along with much prayer I'm sure, decided to take me out of public and into private. As I said at the beginning, there was other things that were happening to make her come to this decision, but it will always and forever be known as ...... My Mom took me out of public and put be in private because I was dancing to the song of "Do the Hustle". {You can laugh again.}
I share all of that with you to make an even greater point. My Mom and my Dad did what they felt was right for me in my life. I can either choose to accept their love, protection, and values OR I can choose to think they really messed up, denied me of having a "life", kept me from living out in the real world. Today, I know I can say with all honesty....I believe they did exactly what was right and just for me....and I thank them. In saying that, I will also tell you through growing up I had my doubts about it. I couldn't help but think thoughts such as IF I had been allowed to stay in public maybe this or maybe that would be so different for me. But, in that thinking I realized this: God has/had a plan for me. God directs my footsteps. God chooses my path. And in knowing those things I can say "Thank ya Jesus!!"
In knowing all of that, I also know that we today as parents have many many decisions to make regarding our own children. We often wonder and fret about having made the right choice the right decision for them. We pray and ask God to guide us. Sometimes it can very well seem like we are blindly going forth and just trusting that God will make it all work out for His glory and our good. And as they grow up they make their own decisions for themselves and sometimes.....those decisions do NOT reflect what we would've chosen for them. We wonder where did we go wrong? But....we haven't gone anywhere wrong. They are God's children, if they have a relationship with HIm, They belong to Him and He alone loves them moreso than we could EVER think about loving them. He has a plan for them.....just as He had a plan for me many years ago. We trust God to take them down their own paths - EVEN when they are paths that seem wrong. No matter what, His plan stands and His path is perfect.
I know this is long, as I have said, I'm a writer and express much of me through it. I want to sincerely thank you for taking the time to read it. My husband and kids just roll their eyes when they see how much I write. Ha! :)
O did I tell ya....my parents are "dancers" themselves now....GO FIGURE! Yes, they love and enjoy the world of square dancing. Haha! I think that still fits in the description of the Baptist guidelines. {wink}
Thanks again and have a wonderful day of knowing.....God is in control and is leading you in your decisions. :)
PS: I made some wonderful friends back in the public school days that are here as my FB friends. I am deeply grateful for you all as well.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
"I love my Mom"
Ok, so here is my first official blog I guess you could say.....YAY!
I really wasn't planning on starting out with this, but decided to go ahead with it.
This evening as I was on my walk I saw a boy outside. He was most likely 7-9 years of age. He was proudly wearing a shirt that said (in capital letters no doubt) "I LOVE MY MOM". When I saw this I had to smile. I smiled because one day. . . he will be embarrased by such a shirt and would gladly discard it. But today, for now. . . he proudly wears it.
It makes me think of how our babies start out in life. The cycle goes as follows: Newborns - bibs, shirts, onesies all stating "I love my Daddy/Mommy" "Daddys angel" "Mommys angel". Toddlers - Pre-School: same thing only now instead of "Angel" it becomes "Daddys Little Man" "Mommys Little Princess" and so on and so on....you get the picture. Our children adore us and gladly wear the clothes of doting parents who adore them. Sometimes, as shown to me through this little boy tonight, their proud display of loving Mom/Dad can last for awhile.
But then one day, something happens. They start growing up.
No more open displays of affection for dear old Mom and Dad. In fact, in some cases, no more affection shown even in non-open displays. And I wonder the age old question of "WHY?" Why is it that in life you go through this journey of moving away from those who love you the MOST? Is it just to become independent? Which yes I'm sure many of you would say YES to that. But, wouldn't it be so MUCH better to give and to receive genuine love from those who could help you the most?
I guess it's much like we ourselves with Christ's love and blessings for us in our lifes. He offers it freely, lovingly, gently. . .but never forces it on us. I truly, without a doubt, believe that those who are God's children can never walk away from Him as some seem to believe. That just isn't true. God cannot disown Himself. He cannot remove Himself from the heart of his own. Therefore, I believe that we can choose what some may think is their own path, but in all actuality IF Romans 8:28 is right and I for sure know it is....then ALL things work together for good. All paths chosen, taken. . . God knows exactly how to make them turn around and still be the path He had planned all along. We just aren't as clever as He is sometimes to see that. :)
Back to the subject at hand.
I suppose we all take a journey through life. Some a little more drastic than others. But, we love the ones God has lovingly placed in our lives. . .whether it be received or not is in God's hands. And we know that someday, in time, through patience. . .our love will be returned.
As for me. . . I say give me the shirt that proudly claims "I LOVE MY MOM" I will wear it everyday!! Ok, well maybe every other day. :))
God bless the little boy who proudly loves his Mom. . .and gave me my first blog to write about. And God bless YOU my friend!
Thanks for reading!! :)
I really wasn't planning on starting out with this, but decided to go ahead with it.
This evening as I was on my walk I saw a boy outside. He was most likely 7-9 years of age. He was proudly wearing a shirt that said (in capital letters no doubt) "I LOVE MY MOM". When I saw this I had to smile. I smiled because one day. . . he will be embarrased by such a shirt and would gladly discard it. But today, for now. . . he proudly wears it.
It makes me think of how our babies start out in life. The cycle goes as follows: Newborns - bibs, shirts, onesies all stating "I love my Daddy/Mommy" "Daddys angel" "Mommys angel". Toddlers - Pre-School: same thing only now instead of "Angel" it becomes "Daddys Little Man" "Mommys Little Princess" and so on and so on....you get the picture. Our children adore us and gladly wear the clothes of doting parents who adore them. Sometimes, as shown to me through this little boy tonight, their proud display of loving Mom/Dad can last for awhile.
But then one day, something happens. They start growing up.
No more open displays of affection for dear old Mom and Dad. In fact, in some cases, no more affection shown even in non-open displays. And I wonder the age old question of "WHY?" Why is it that in life you go through this journey of moving away from those who love you the MOST? Is it just to become independent? Which yes I'm sure many of you would say YES to that. But, wouldn't it be so MUCH better to give and to receive genuine love from those who could help you the most?
I guess it's much like we ourselves with Christ's love and blessings for us in our lifes. He offers it freely, lovingly, gently. . .but never forces it on us. I truly, without a doubt, believe that those who are God's children can never walk away from Him as some seem to believe. That just isn't true. God cannot disown Himself. He cannot remove Himself from the heart of his own. Therefore, I believe that we can choose what some may think is their own path, but in all actuality IF Romans 8:28 is right and I for sure know it is....then ALL things work together for good. All paths chosen, taken. . . God knows exactly how to make them turn around and still be the path He had planned all along. We just aren't as clever as He is sometimes to see that. :)
Back to the subject at hand.
I suppose we all take a journey through life. Some a little more drastic than others. But, we love the ones God has lovingly placed in our lives. . .whether it be received or not is in God's hands. And we know that someday, in time, through patience. . .our love will be returned.
As for me. . . I say give me the shirt that proudly claims "I LOVE MY MOM" I will wear it everyday!! Ok, well maybe every other day. :))
God bless the little boy who proudly loves his Mom. . .and gave me my first blog to write about. And God bless YOU my friend!
Thanks for reading!! :)
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
A Beginners Try!
So my friend, Michele, has persuaded me to try this thing people call "Blogging". I have to say it didn't take a whole lot of persuaion on her part being as though I've always wanted to be able to "share" in a little broader terms that just the simple status. I am a writer (not a paid one, mind you, but one who just finds simple enjoyment from it) with that being said I do tend to sometimes write somewhat lengthy thoughts. But in all my "sharings" I hope that you hopefully will find a smile, a laugh, an inspiration....or even a rolling of the eyes. Ha! I do have my goofy side that shines ever so often. :) Or as my dear husband and lovely children like to refer to it as just plain WEIRD side. I'm fine as can be with them both....goofy....weird....it's all good.
I must say that I dedicate this intial blogging to a very wonderful friend who happens to be a much loved school teacher from days gone by. So many years in fact that I won't say. :) Many of my friends on FB know and love her as well. This special person has encouraged me along the way to in fact write a real book. She has told me that if I were to do that very thing, she would be one to definitely read it.
So here's to you Mrs WW!! though it's not a book realistically.....it is still me. I hope you will enjoy.
Love you much! :)
I must say that I dedicate this intial blogging to a very wonderful friend who happens to be a much loved school teacher from days gone by. So many years in fact that I won't say. :) Many of my friends on FB know and love her as well. This special person has encouraged me along the way to in fact write a real book. She has told me that if I were to do that very thing, she would be one to definitely read it.
So here's to you Mrs WW!! though it's not a book realistically.....it is still me. I hope you will enjoy.
Love you much! :)
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