Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"I love my Mom"

Ok, so here is my first official blog I guess you could say.....YAY!
I really wasn't planning on starting out with this, but decided to go ahead with it.

This evening as I was on my walk I saw a boy outside. He was most likely 7-9 years of age. He was proudly wearing a shirt that said (in capital letters no doubt) "I LOVE MY MOM". When I saw this I had to smile. I smiled because one day. . . he will be embarrased by such a shirt and would gladly discard it. But today, for now. . . he proudly wears it.

It makes me think of how our babies start out in life. The cycle goes as follows: Newborns - bibs, shirts, onesies all stating "I love my Daddy/Mommy" "Daddys angel" "Mommys angel". Toddlers - Pre-School: same thing only now instead of "Angel" it becomes "Daddys Little Man" "Mommys Little Princess" and so on and so get the picture. Our children adore us and gladly wear the clothes of doting parents who adore them. Sometimes, as shown to me through this little boy tonight, their proud display of loving Mom/Dad can last for awhile.

But then one day, something happens. They start growing up.

No more open displays of affection for dear old Mom and Dad. In fact, in some cases, no more affection shown even in non-open displays. And I wonder the age old question of "WHY?" Why is it that in life you go through this journey of moving away from those who love you the MOST? Is it just to become independent? Which  yes I'm sure many of you would say YES to that. But, wouldn't it be so MUCH better to give and to receive genuine love from those who could help you the most?

I guess it's much like we ourselves with Christ's love and blessings for us in our lifes. He offers it freely, lovingly, gently. . .but never forces it on us. I truly, without a doubt, believe that those who are God's children can never walk away from Him as some seem to believe. That just isn't true. God cannot disown Himself. He cannot remove Himself from the heart of his own. Therefore, I believe that we can choose what some may think is their own path, but in all actuality IF Romans 8:28 is right and I for sure know it is....then ALL things work together for good. All paths chosen, taken. . . God knows exactly how to make them turn around and still be the path He had planned all along. We just aren't as clever as He is sometimes to see that. :)

Back to the subject at hand.
I suppose we all take a journey  through life. Some a little more drastic than others. But, we love the ones God has lovingly placed in our lives. . .whether it be received or not is in God's hands. And we know that someday, in time, through patience. . .our love will be returned.

As for me. . . I say give me the shirt that proudly claims "I LOVE MY MOM" I will wear it everyday!! Ok, well maybe every other day. :))

God bless the little boy who proudly loves his Mom. . .and gave me my first blog to write about. And God bless YOU my friend!

Thanks for reading!! :)

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