Wednesday, December 29, 2010

"What DO you call this Blog?"

Who hasn't longed for Jesus to come on back to the earth NOW and take us where our real home is? I mean let's get sensible ..... Heaven is a PERFECT place filled with no sorrow, no pain, no fear, no sin and unimaginable peace in every sense of the word! But it doesn't just stop with those wonderful things, it also indwells our Lord, Savior, Redeemer, Father and perfect best friend who we shall finally be able to see face to face. We not only shall see him, but feel His warm embrace of a hug that is just our size! No longer will his words be said in our hearts and souls, but now they will ring clearly in our very own ears! And that, my friend, is just the tip of the ice-berg as they say!

In my openess and honesty with you - for that is who I am - I will tell you that I have struggled with some very real fears in the past as I shared with you in a blog "If you read no other story - read this one" back in September. Fears of what I would hear or what I would read causing me to think my life is somehow not right with God or right with others. Fears of doubts that my struggles in my mind would always be there and not get better causing me to think "O no, something is not right with me!" Fears leading me to seek my sweet David as my wise and loving cousel assuring me once again that all is well and I had nothing to fret and worry over. I truly believe without a doubt in the world that the song Dave Barns sings "God gave me you" is so extremely TRUE. God gave me my David to see me through not only the good days we share, but also the storms of life we share.....I am SO BLESSED! No matter how many days in a row or how often in those days I would come to him seeking his reassurance of the truth I knew was right, but still needed his reassurance, he ALWAYS has been there to give it. I think I'm beginnig to ramble though - - :)

I think I have a point in here somewhere.
God has been doing some amazing healing in me and it hasn't been all at once, but rather at His always perfect pace. In that healing I have seen where God has allowed me to be able to settle my thoughts or maybe I should say let HIM settle my thoughts more often and not worry about what I may hear or read. Letting Him show me that it's really alright....nothing can take away from or add to in my life if God doesn't choose to. Anytime we feel that something is out of our's ALWAYS under God's control. I'm the type of person who wants absolutely NO CONTROL whatsoever of my God has it all.

As I started this Blog I was referring to heaven and such and how that we long to be there. I think as we grow older and we experience more and more of this world we live in it does have a very real way of causing us to just wanna go home....afterall that's what we were created for....this world is just a temporary dwelling place. As it has been said .... we are just pilgrims on our journey home. :)
In sharing all of this, I will tell you that yesterday I had read in a story about how a friend was telling another friend if you start having thoughts of feeling depressed or wanting to end your life then call me......and then I hear on Tv how that you need to stop taking this med for smoking IF you should start feeling depressed and want to end your life. And so goes the thinking....."O no! what if when I was struggling moreso back in the past and had thoughts of just how much easier it would be in Heaven....what if that meant I was depressed?!!"  You see how the mind takes off with stuff! Or maybe I should say my mind! Ha! I think that satan know the things we struggle with and can have a great time IF he can keep us focused on our doubts and worries! But God is in control of him and he can do NOTHING that God doesn't allow for my own good. I mean who really gives a care of how I was or what I was or who I was?! God is my healer and helper and is continually making me into the person He desires of me. He knows my weaknesses and fears and He is greater that them all. And today.....I still know and still believe that it will INDEED be a much better place in Heaven and I still long for Jesus to return TODAY!!!!! Call me whatever you want, but I know God calls me ...... His own. And I will NOT fear.

So let God settle all those crazy thoughts, fears and doubts you may feel today. He can, He will and He does. :) And remember - - Peace is not a feeling, but rather the knowledge of knowing that God IS in control, no matter what you may feel!!!


May your day be beautiful on the inside today!

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