Monday, August 12, 2013

"Number 26 is Here!!"

Twenty-six years.
Twenty-six years means you're just getting started real good. . . does it not?
For many it's a brief time. About five drops in a bucket - depending on the size of your bucket of course. :)
And for many it's a very substantial amount of time, especially for those newly acquainted with this beautiful blessing called "marriage".

This Thursday, August 15, 2013, will be the 26th celebrated year of love and marriage that my David and I share. As I looked back through my previous Blogs, I found one (Dec. 2011) that shares the story well of how we met and found the love of our lives. If you would like to read, hopefully this link will take you to it:

Our story remains the same. But there is one thing that continues to change. For with each passing day my heart swells with such love, gratitude, admiration, pride (the good pride), excitement, and just a genuine thankfulness all around of who I share my each and every day with in this world. A run-on sentence it may be, but there's just so MUCH to be thankful for!! I hope there's never a day that I don't remember to stop and thank God Himself for the beautiful gift He has given me.

Before this Blogs continues any farther - I will share, as I have in the past, that GOD and GOD alone is my first and foremost love. I do not ever want to confuse anyone into believing that my David holds first place. God has that placed reserved and filled by him. He alone is my truest and greatest love and all the days of eternity will not be long enough to truly thank him for all that he is and all that has done/doing/will do in my life! First place in my heart is filled with God.....and second place will forever and always be filled by my David. Not my kids, not my extended family, not my home.....nothing. God first, David second. And forever it shalll be.

Maybe since I've written a previous story of how we came to be....this time I will share some pictures.

"The Early Years. . ."

Were we not the cutest? :) 1972!

Pre-dating days. 1985!
He is SO DARN good-looking!! :)

Yes....we are dating now!! YAY!! Big smiles!! :)) 1985!

Dating days...and yes braces too.....1986!

Dating days...hitting the slopes together.....1986 or '87!

Still dating.....1987!
And yes to this day....he is always in my thoughts. <3

Ta-Dah!! Engaged....February 7, 1987!!

The BIG day has arrived!!
The day I married my very best friend in the history of ever....August 15, 1987!!

He is my HAPPY!!
All the days to follow he has not only held my heart...but also my hand.
I love him so.

Wedding Announcement!

Then there's was three Moores......

And then there was four Moores......

Still just four Moores......

And wait....there he is....Five Moores!!
Our family is complete!

One of my most cherished

"The Later Years....."

Family......Novemeber 2010!

Family.....December 2012!

Family....December 2012!

So from the beginning of time + everything in between = the sincere love two people hold in their hearts by a loving God Who placed it there.

And now as the story of our love continues, we will celebrate this Thursday with a trip to Louisiana to share in our love of history together, by spending the afternoon touring the beautiful Noddaway Plantation. And then we are off to soak up the sunny beaches of Pensecola, Florida!! :)

And to my David.....
I loved you yesterday
I love you today
I always have
And I always will!

Thank you, to my readers, who let me a small part of our lives together through pictures! :)
And as always.....Thank you to God for blessing my life to the fullest with this most precious gift to me!

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