We are thankful! We are even more thankful for the meaning of our trip for which we celebrated. . . 24 very blessed years together as two best friends living a life together as one. I am beyond grateful for the beautiful gift that God has given me in this life.
As you know when you are at a beach. . . you leave footprints everywhere you go. There are millions of footprints coming and going in all different directions. Big, little, fat and skinny prints all belonging to many various different people. But the one thing they all have in common - they are all only there briefly in time - and some even more brief than others. I took a picture of this particular subject and it happens to be one of my favorite pictures! It represents so much!!
One morning, David was sitting out on the beach watching people as we often like to do. He noticed a family of 4 running by. As they did, there were footprints left on the beach. Soon after though the tide came up and washed them all away as if they had never been before. David sat there thinking to himself "I bet Deb could write a Blog about that." He later told me his thoughts and thus, as he said, became a good Blogger subject! :) Btw...please click on the above picture and it will enlarge. I really love the beauty of it and don't want you to miss it!
As I think about footprints on a beach I am reminded of the age old poem called simply "Footprints". It is a reminder to us that often when we feel that God isn't helping us in our time of need. . . that truly He is. For as we complain and cry out to God saying "Why didn't you help me??" He gently says "I was there all along. . . . carrying you in my arms of love." That is why we look and only see one set of prints in the sand. I am also reminded that each of us carry our own set of footprints here upon this earth. We each are going in different directions, striving for different goals and have different walks of life. Some have footprints of persuing what's ahead such as a career, a marriage, children. Some have footprints of walking through days of being a wife, a mom, or simply a servant of God. Some have footprints of things accomplished - kids raised and retirement. They may see ahead to numbered days, but just as well knowing their life has been full.
Whatever your walk, whatever your direction. . . . a question comes to mind. What footprints are you leaving behind for others to see? Are they deep selfish prints heading in a direction that is centered around you and no one else? Are they scared prints hoping here and there in fear that God is not going to see you through your situation? Are they dragging prints saying I'm lazy and I don't want to do my part? Are they running here and there prints saying I'm confused. I'm running in all directions trying to make sure all turns out right?
OR - - -
Are they sure, steadfast, confident steps saying :
- I want to walk as Jesus walked upon this earth. Loving and giving myself to others as doing it unto Him.
- I don't have all the answers, but I trust in a God Who does. He WILL see me through no matter what.
- I may not can do everything, but I can do my part to be who God wants me to be. A wife, a Mom, a friend, a servant of God.
- No matter how much people may want control of life's situation - they simply will NOT be. God is sovereign, He is trustworthy and He is able. His purpose will be done regardless of your fruitless efforts.
So stop stomping, hoping, dragging and circling. . . for God is and will forever be more than enough to carry us through whatever He has in store for us! Trust HIM!
Know too that our footprints are only here for a very brief time before they vanish just as on the beach. Make the most of each and every opportunity God gives you to leave footprints of love, forgiveness, acceptance, gratitude and mercy in another's life.
And my friend, when you turn around and only see one set of footprints through your life. . . know that it was God carrying you in His arms, by His heart.
"Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you."
Isaiah 46:4
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