Monday, August 1, 2011

"Does It Ever Happen? YES. . It Does!"

Are you ready? ? ?

I am here to tell you today that. . . . it is God and God alone who transforms hearts and minds. . . it happens no other way!

But in knowing this, we also have to know that it is God who has His own timetable for this to happen and it doesn't have to coincide with ours. In other words. . . we must WAIT. And we all know waiting is HARD.
We live in a "right now" world. We want things to happen RIGHT NOW. Our technology has made alot of that possible in some instances...whether that's good or bad you be the judge. Probably if we are truthful we are a very impatient people in this day and time. But nonetheless....waiting is H A R D - always has been always will be. We know many times throughout our lives God calls us to wait, but in that waiting He promises blessings too! There are countless verses in the Bible telling us to wait. One such verse would be in Psalms 27:14 "Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and he shall strengthen  thine heart; wait, I say, on the Lord." Sometimes His timing just requires that we wait and hope.

But just as sure as the wait is hard, we can also be just as sure that God does answer!
Yesterday in SS our teacher reminded us that God does indeed transform hearts and minds through a very real sense. It was a personal story of a relative that was in his words "the meanest, the snakiest, the scariest guy you would ever meet!" This relative was not someone you would want to cross paths with by no means. But then through God getting his attention and transforming his heart and mind, he became a completely NEW man. So much a new man that you would not recognize him in many many ways. His life, his thoughts, his actions, his desires all became new! Today he is described as the most kindest man who loves others and I believe lives a life totally for God. God is like that. . . He changes people.

Some of you may say "But I have been praying for God to change my loved ones or _____ for forever and they are still the same." You are not alone. I too have been in constant prayer for many years that God would transform the hearts and minds of my own family members. . . and yet. . . . I continue to wait. I wait believing though knowing that God has His very own perfect plans and purposes for what He allows and doesn't allow to happen. His thoughts and His ways are not our thoughts and our ways. But yet He is trustworthy and faithful to deliver, to strengthen . . . and yes. . . to transform hearts and minds.

I pray for one such family member to have her eyes, ears, mind, and heart opened to see that this world is meaningless. Nothing that this world can offer will EVER amount to anything good. But for now she doesn't see that sadly. She even goes so far as to tell me that I have no clue about today's world for I (according to her) grew up in a totally different day, world and time. Although there is some amount of truth there - there is also a lie. For in the Bible it says that "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Is there ANYTHING of which one can say 'Look! This is something new.'? It was here already, long ago." Ecclesiastes 1:9-10. So as she goes along holding a hand with this world. . . . I pray. . . .and I wait.

As I re-read this Blog, I see that I don't want my readers to just believe that God makes new out of never new. Translation: God doesn't just make new out of lost/unsaved people. . . He also makes new out of once new people too!! Second translation: You can be a born again believer who has chosen to stop living your life for God and He steps in to transform you and bring you back!

So if you are a parent who is waiting, a friend who is waiting, a spouse who is waiting, a grandmother/father who is waiting, a sibling who is waiting. . . . know that it is God and God alone who WILL in His time transform hearts and minds to be who He wants them to be!!

And know that I wait with you. :)

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