Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Got gas? Dinging cars? PJs? and Old age?

Wanting to share one of many of our funny times here in the Moore family household! :)

This morning Levi and Mom set out to take him to school. We were doing great with time which was an added plus when I saw that my gas tank was still on empty from the previous day before. I then had to decide whether to risk it by going on to school or stop and get gas. Levi spoke up and made the decision for me saying "Mom - go get gas at Chevron." So, being the good Mom, I did as told and drove to what I thought was Chevron. . . . which turned out to be Shell instead. As we are pulling in, Levi speaks up and says "Mom, I told you to go to Chevron." and I say "O well, where's that?" Annnd Levi says "The other direction. It's by Culvers, Mom." Ah yes! To explain myself here, we NORMALLY go to WalMart for gas, and even though Chevron is just a stones throw from our house (well almost) I don't think of it. :)

Once we pull up to the gas pump, I ask dear son if he would pump the gas being as though Mom is in PJs. He accepts and takes my credit card. I wasn't sure if he had ever done that part of the procedure so I ask him if he needs help to which he tells me no. So I sit. While sitting. . . I hear this "O CRAP. It won't let me put anymore gas in the car and it's barely a gallon in now." I turn my head to see what is going on and he is seming to be confused saying something about the pump shut off because he squeezed the handle too hard. He then takes my credit card and attepts to make another transaction. While he is doing this I can hear him saying "" and pressing buttons. I have no clue at this point what this boy is putting on my card!! He gets it going once again and we are back to a good start. I say "start" because after just a bit here we go again....."Mom, he's laughing now) it happened again! I don't know why it won't let me squeeze the handle down!" ........ "Mom, come here." Ok, Mom, who is still in PJs has to come to aid. I open my door and for some reason my car starts dinging at me. I look down, key is in my hand, I shut door. I open door, car begins dinging once again, I shut door. I look all around wondering what the heck is making this car ding like that?!?! Then I ask myself - does my car ding everytime I open my door and just don't realize it?? I mean I've only HAD this car for 8 years now. . .you would think I know my car by now!! So while Mom is sitting there opening and shutting her door trying to figure things out - son begins to figure his own problems out. He says "Mom, nevermind...." FINALLY, we have gas in the car, boy is in car, hopefully the double transactions did right, and Mom is still sitting there ..... in her PJs.....wondering "Why did this silly car ding at me?" But off we go! As we are going down road towards school, I go back through our neigborhood. Funny sidenote here: I've been known as the person who only has 1 way there and 1 way back wherever I'm going regardless. (Although I indeed HAVE learned more than 1 way most's still a standing joke.) At this time, son speaks up and says "Mom, why didn't you go just straight down the road and turn later on West Lake Houston Rd? I say "O yeah....there is another way!"
Ah was a longer way to take ...... cuz I told David about it later. ; )

So as I get boy to school and on time (thank ya very much) I travel back home. As I do, I notice headlights shining on the garage door....coming from my car. Ah-Ha! it was my lights on that caused my car to ding when I opened the door.....but WHO turned my lights on?? The mystery continues. . .  ; )

Later this afternoon, I told Levi that I was writing a Blog about our funny morning, to which he replys "What happned this morning that was so funny??"

Ok - so it was funny to me!! : ))

Lately, my David has had this saying regarding me. He tells me as he smiles "You're gonna be one funny old lady/grandma....I can already tell."
Got news for ya . . . . I already am!! : )

He has said before too. . ."You'll be pushin me in the wheelchair and I'll be tellin ya where to go." LOL! :)

Laughter is good for the soul......keep laughing my friend!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

"Your Sept. 11th, my Sept 11th - it is ALL for GOOD! :)"

As most people are probably aware of, in 2 weeks we will be honoring the 10 year date that marks a tragic time for our nation. . . September 11. Many countless lives were changed during that time. Lives were taken and lives were given. But one thing remains. . . through all the tragedy God brings good. For an unbeliever reading this, I'm positive they would strongly disagree. For how could there be ANY good found through all of this in their eyes? But to the believer. . .we KNOW God brings good from the ashes. "And we KNOW that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love Him who have been called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28.  He strengthens, He restores. He does what only God can do. . . He heals. With this healing I believe He brings a deeper faith and an equiping to be used in greater ways than before.

Today I read a story of woman who was the very last to be rescued from the rubble. Questions formed in her mind of many "what-ifs". What if she had left the 64th floor earlier and escaped unharmed? What if the ground hadn't been falling out beneath her at the 13th floor as she was getting closer to escaping? What if she hadn't been stuck under rubble and debris for 27 hours before they could free her? She goes on to say she would have been grateful, but knew she wouldn't have looked any deeper at her life. She would've chalked her survival up to quick thinking or quick moving or plain good luck. Instead it caused her to re-evaluate her life entirely. She celebrates a relationship with God (being the very best), she also celebrates her survival, her health and her family. She volunteers with the American Red Cross, as they were there in her time of need. She lives with no fear. She knows God has changed her life to the good.

There are thousands upon thousands of stories of how God changed their lives through what was thought to be for bad. As one man put it into perspective, he referred back to the story of Joseph and his brothers. How that they betrayed him, abandoned him and sold him. "But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive."

Not only does God work through tragedy in our lives to bring good, He also works through our failures and mistakes to bring about the same. . .  good. "Christians need to see and know that failure/mistakes do NOT end your usefulness to God! For even the great ones of the faith failed, yet God continued to use them, often in a deeper way AFTER their fall. It is those who have fallen into the depths of failure to who God gives the call to shepherd others. This is not a call given only to the gifted, the highly trained, or the polished as such. Without a bitter experience of their own inadequacy and poverty, they are quite unfitted to bear the burden of spiritual ministry. It takes a person who has discovered something of the measure of his/her own weakness to be patient with the foibles (weaknesses) of others." "God brings blessings from the ashes of our failures."
<taken from a devotion>

I have not visited the first paragraph in any sort of tragic way in my lifetime. I know it would take great dependance upon our merciful God to know and believe that He would see them through regardless the pain and suffering. Faith would be deepened for sure. But just as I know faith would be deepened for them, it would also be deepened for those who have visited the second paragraph. . . for I was there. There is much to be said concerning this second paragraph, but I believe I have covered alot of it throughout my Bloggings over time. I am here to testify that God indeed does bring great GOOD from bad, wrong, evil, mistakes and when He does He uses it for His own glory for all to see! He uses it to show His strength in you, to show His deliverance in you, to show encouragement for others ..... in you. I know that God has me here to urge you on. . . . to encourage you. . . . to give you hope. . . and to tell you that no matter WHAT you have faced/are facing in life whether it be tragedy, failure or mistakes, God will use it for your good and His glory.
Trust Him. And not only trust Him, but wait on Him for it often can take awhile to turn a painful situation into a good one. He has a timetable and it's right on schedule as with everything else in His plans!! Who knows what He will reveal to you as you wait and trust could be a higher purpose than you ever dreamed possible!

So as we look back and remember this time, September 11, 2001, let us not look back with a heart of bitterness of all the bad that went on throughout that day - but rather let us look ahead to all the lives that were forever touched in a positive way. . . to bring about God's GOOD for ourselves and His glory for all to say HOLY IS THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!!

What has God allowed in your life that you thought was for bad but turned out for your good? I'm betting there is plenty if we take a honest look. Also plenty of grace, mercy, love, forgiveness and plenty of better- than -we- ever- could- have- been- befores! :)

I leave you with this thought: "Contentment is not governed by circumstances. Contentment comes from within. It is the knowledge that God is in control (no matter what) and He will work everything out right."

There is HOPE!

Monday, August 22, 2011

"Footprints of Time"

The weekend of our wedding anniversary, David, me, Levi and his friend got to go to a wonderful place by the name of Pensacola Beach, Florida. It was simply an amazing time! The beach, the water, NO crowds, the time spent together, the activities all rolled into one was a BIG blessing from God Himself.
We are thankful! We are even more thankful for the meaning of our trip for which we celebrated. . . 24 very blessed years together as two best friends living a life together as one. I am beyond grateful for the beautiful gift that God has given me in this life.

As you know when you are at a beach. . . you leave footprints everywhere you go. There are millions of footprints coming and going in all different directions. Big, little, fat and skinny prints all belonging to many various different people. But the one thing they all have in common - they are all only there briefly in time - and some even more brief than others. I took a picture of this particular subject and it happens to be one of my favorite pictures! It represents so much!!

One morning, David was sitting out on the beach watching people as we often like to do. He noticed a family of 4 running by. As they did, there were footprints left on the beach. Soon after though the tide came up and washed them all away as if they had never been before. David sat there thinking to himself "I bet Deb could write a Blog about that." He later told me his thoughts and thus, as he said, became a good Blogger subject! :) Btw...please click on the above picture and it will enlarge. I really love the beauty of it and don't want you to miss it!

As I think about footprints on a beach I am reminded of the age old poem called simply "Footprints". It is a reminder to us that often when we feel that God isn't helping us in our time of need. . . that truly He is. For as we complain and cry out to God saying "Why didn't you help me??" He gently says "I was there all along. . . . carrying you in my arms of love." That is why we look and only see one set of prints in the sand. I am also reminded that each of us carry our own set of footprints here upon this earth. We each are going in different directions, striving for different goals and have different walks of life. Some have footprints of persuing what's ahead such as a career, a marriage, children. Some have footprints of walking through days of being a wife, a mom, or simply a servant of God. Some have footprints of things accomplished - kids raised and retirement. They may see ahead to numbered days, but just as well knowing their life has been full.

Whatever your walk, whatever your direction. . . . a question comes to mind. What footprints are you leaving behind for others to see? Are they deep selfish prints heading in a direction that is centered around you and no one else? Are they scared prints hoping here and there in fear that God is not going to see you through your situation? Are they dragging prints saying I'm lazy and I don't want to do my part? Are they running here and there prints saying I'm confused. I'm running in all directions trying to make sure all turns out right?

OR - - -

Are they sure, steadfast, confident steps saying : 
  • I want to walk as Jesus walked upon this earth. Loving and giving myself to others as doing it unto Him.
  • I don't have all the answers, but I trust in a God Who does. He WILL see me through no matter what.
  • I may not can do everything, but I can do my part to be who God wants me to be. A wife, a Mom, a friend, a servant of God.
  • No matter how much people may want control of life's situation - they simply will NOT be. God is sovereign, He is trustworthy and He is able. His purpose will be done regardless of your fruitless efforts.
So stop stomping, hoping, dragging and circling. . .  for God is and will forever be more than enough to carry us through whatever He has in store for us! Trust HIM!

Know too that our footprints are only here for a very brief time before they vanish just as on the beach. Make the most of each and every opportunity God gives you to leave footprints of love, forgiveness, acceptance, gratitude and mercy in another's life.

And my friend, when you turn around and only see one set of footprints through your life. . . know that it was God carrying you in His arms, by His heart.

"Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you."
Isaiah 46:4

Sunday, August 7, 2011

"Who Said Golf Was Meaningless and Boring?!"

Lessons of life according to the game of GOLF!! :)

Since I have taken up friends with the o so wonderful game of golf, I thought I might share some tidbits of life that can go alongside it as well.

1. There is ALWAYS room for improvement!
I've heard it said that not even the Pros have ever played a perfect game. I guess that means us beginners need not fret. As so in our christian walk with God, we always have much room for improvement. God is there to help us through each and every part of it. He is there strengthening and helping us to become all He has purposed us to be! Isaiah 41:10. "I will strengthen and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

2. There is always gonna be ditches/waterways to hit your ball up and over!
There is one such ditch at Walden that you must cross. So far it has got me each time! I'm still learning of course. But my David has given me the FAITH to believe that I AM going to hit it up and over that darn ditch .... in time. Perserverence will pay off! As in our spiritual life - we all come to ditches at one point or another. But in coming to that ditch we know that we are not alone and that God is there to help us to aim high and over it. For it is Christ in us that makes us strong and not we ourselves. Philippians 4:13 "I can do everything through Christ which strengthens me." Never give up!

3. Playing golf can be HOT and tiring!
Who hasn't noticed that it is just downright HOT out there?! Maybe we should've picked up this idea of being golfers a little later in the season. And sometimes playing can be tiring, but I guess it just goes along with the FUN. :) Serving God can be rewarding - but it has it's time of being "hot and tiring" as well. When we are tempted to say "What does it matter? I'm tired. This isn't fun anymore." We stop and remember the verse that says 1 Cor. 15: 58. "Stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."

4. Playing golf requires hydration!
We all know that water is an essential must for our bodies to be maintained properly. Without proper hydration we become sick and are unable to continue on. David got me a nice big Bubba mug (in purple) to keep me full of water. Sometimes I simply make myself drink because I don't always get thirsty on my own and I know it is for my good. God has given us His Word - the Bible - to keep our lives hydrated and functioning as it should. But if the Bible (water) just sits there on it's own and isn't consumed by us how will it help us? God gives us hope through His Words in showing us how to deal with every part of life. But we must read it and consume it. John 4: 14 "But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life."

5. The game of golf is played to KEEP your balls - not to lose them!
Ah yes, it's gonna happen, even on your good days the inevitable happens. . . you lose yet another ball. Ya know I'm not sure you should call it "playing" golf but rather it should be sometimes called "working" golf! There's alot to remember "working" this game including where did you last hit your ball. Trying to help your team mates watch for their balls AND keep in mind where yours are is tricky sometimes! I'm sure the home tenants must think "Yup...another beginner on the course. They are looking all over the place!"  By the way, it feels really great when you do find that darn little ball! :) God assures us though that He NEVER loses us as His children! John 6: 39 "And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose NONE of all that that he has given me, but raise them up at the last day." John 10: 29 "My Father, who has given them to me, is greater that all; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand."

6. Everyone has their own golf swing!
I'm sure everyone must have their own little peculiar ways of standing, setting up and swinging through the ball. I often wonder how odd I look myself as I'm trying my darndest best to connect with this little itty bitty round object laying on the ground. Though not totally comfortable with the idea of people watching as I am learning, I think I have improved! David and Levi try to give me helpful tips to manage myself. Sometimes their tips help.....and sometimes they just don't. But I listen and at least attempt to follow through with what they are saying. I know that I can take all these helpful tips, find which ones work for me, and in time become the O so wonderful golfer I hope to be! Heehee! It's just like in our christian walk. My walk (golf swing) with God may not resemble your walk with God. But it's MY walk with a God who loves me and relates to me right where I am at! I can know that God is putting all the "stuff" of my life together to make me into who He wants me to be in time. Philippians 1: 6 "Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you/me will carry it to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

(I see I am getting longer with each example. I will try to wrap this up!)

7. Lining up your ball and shooting straight takes time and patience!
One thing I do have over David and Levi, on most occassions, is that I can hit the ball straight! But a straight ball is only as good as the power behind it. David and Levi have a very sharp right hook once they have hit it. It is frustrating to say the least, but it is something they are learning to overcome with time and patience. Lining up our lives with Christ can be just as time consuming and requires patience at times as well. We need to watch and be careful lest we veer to the left or the right for temptation is all around us. In knowing that, we stand firm, trusting the One who knows us best to help us stay lined up with His purpose. Hebrews 12: 1-2 "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles us, and let us run with the perserverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith." Philippians 3: 13 "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."

8. Last but not least. . . . HAVE FUN!!
Golf is challenging . . . but golf can be fun! There are people who love a challenge. I, on the other hand, do not. But I look past that fact and I see all the fun that lies in one simple game. It is time well spent with my very best friend. It can be a self motivator to get up and be active. It can boost self confidence in a positive way. And it simply can be fun to learn and accomplish something new. God also wants us to be active, have fun, enjoy and see the blessings in all that He has given us! Philippians 4: 4 "Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS. I will say it again; Rejoice!" Psalms 144: 15 "...Happy is that people, whose God is the Lord."

: - ) Enjoy life!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

"So This Explains It!!"

Ok, 2nd Blog for the week. It's one of those I just had to share Blogs! :)

Our family, as a whole, does not get to meet very many of Heather's dates. As of last night, maybe I am starting to see why!

She informed us she was going out with a guy and he would soon be arriving. I asked her "Are you going to do the right thing and let him come to the door?" She said "Yes, I guess so." I was proud of her for just that small step for it's normally just a text that says "hey I'm here." and out she goes. Well, in the time it took the poor guy to get to our house, the fun and games began!! Little brother decided he wanted to be "typical" little brother. He remembered a cardboard sign he had made a few years back and used on 2nd sister when she had a guy over. The sign simply said in big black marker letters "Will go away for $5." It was HILARIOUS when he used it on Savannah and her guy friend! Back on that night, Savannah and friend were sitting in his truck in our cul-de-sac. Levi got the O so brilliant idea to dress up in his Scream mask and black robe costume, scooted on his scooter to the truck and began circling it ever so eerily. His sisters have always HATED that costume and he could scare them in broad daylight with this was G O O D! We laughed and laughed at that little brother antic!!

Now back to last night. . . .

As mentioned, the sign came into play once again. Only this time he wanted to take the "Will" off and simply let it say "Go away for $5" and let it hang outside at the door. He didn't have time to adjust it so he began just wearing it in the house waiting on date to show up. Heather started her "Moooom, make him stop!" pleadings. That only added grease to the boy's fire for then he began to run and post it outside at the door. At one point she said in her normal Heather manner "O crap I gotta go poop now!" but she knew she couldn't leave her post of watching and stopping her brother from his crazy antics.He then got another idea, he wrote on other side of sign "She has to poop. Wait a minute." And so thus became a game of sign put outside, sign brought inside and so on and so on. Once she thought she had accomplished her feat when she was able to run, get it, and hide it in the house. BUT, no little brother appeared from outside anymore. That's when we KNEW he was up to something! Sure enough.....he had tricked her into believing he had just went out there to put the sign back, little did we know that once she got the sign he had wrote on a piece of toilet paper in marker "She has to poop!". He carefully placed it on the front porch with our light on it so as to not miss it.

While we were wondering what was going on and not knowing where mischievous brother was, lights began to shine and a car horn started going off and on ever so often. She thought O no he's here! All the while running to the blinds and peeking out. She thought after a few moments of that happening that it must be Levi messing with her again. Little did we know and would later find out that it was Savannah, who was right there with us in the house, with her key in her pocket to her truck. Every time she would bend over or do something her truck would lock and unlock!

Finally, after much anticipated waiting by dear daughter Heather....he did arrive. The fun wasn't over yet though! Levi had been hiding in the bushes to see date's reaction to toilet paper, truck continues to flash and honk - scaring date as he walks's just getting good now! As date walks up to porch, he rings doorbell, Savannah LOUDLY yells "HE'S HEEERE!", we all began shushing LOUDLY, Heather opens door and she sees and snatches paper up in no time flat! Mom and Dad both come to door in matching shirts (we had on our Farrington Mission shirts), Mom DOESN'T know she has a piece of GREEN lettuce nicely wedged in her front teeth and kindly gives a big ole smile as she is meeting date. We both are coming at him, little brother is running up from behind, Heather is admonishing and then here comes Savannah barreling through as we are at the door ready to meet the guy with the deer in the headlights look. She quickly and loudly exclaims "HEY YOU'RE THE GUY WITH GOOD TIRES!!" He's like "Why yes I am....and so your her sister?!" Meanwhile, Mom and Dad are standing there wondering to ourselves "I thought Heather told us he was a he works at a place called Good Tires?? Later we learn.....Savannah works at a car wash and this guy comes in regularly to get his truck washed. It was just yesterday that she had seen him and asked him how he keeps his tires looking so good and what did he use. As they make their connection, it's finally back to Mom and Dad's turn. Heather introduces us as "Well this is Mom and this is Dad." He shakes our hands and and we are done.

To say the least, poor guy was a littttttle overwhelmed with us all, but that's what makes the crazy Moores special and I like it that way. :) We did learn that him and Heather had some good laughs about it all once they were able to drive away. And for the remaining Moores left at home....we had some really GREAT laughs replaying it all out once again!! :))

As USUAL......Heather would later tell date "You don't have to worry about my's my MOM you gotta watch out for and impress." And as USUAL he had it the other way around. Hahaha! She told him, "Nope, dangerous stuff comes in small packages!" She better believe it too!!!!!!!!! And I gotta pretty nice feeling she does. ;)

So, now I think I'm starting to see some light as to why we never meet Heather's dates......because we are just too dang much FUN sometimes!! And well, yeah, with a hint of overwhelming and intimidating.
But keeps life interesting!

Monday, August 1, 2011

"Does It Ever Happen? YES. . It Does!"

Are you ready? ? ?

I am here to tell you today that. . . . it is God and God alone who transforms hearts and minds. . . it happens no other way!

But in knowing this, we also have to know that it is God who has His own timetable for this to happen and it doesn't have to coincide with ours. In other words. . . we must WAIT. And we all know waiting is HARD.
We live in a "right now" world. We want things to happen RIGHT NOW. Our technology has made alot of that possible in some instances...whether that's good or bad you be the judge. Probably if we are truthful we are a very impatient people in this day and time. But nonetheless....waiting is H A R D - always has been always will be. We know many times throughout our lives God calls us to wait, but in that waiting He promises blessings too! There are countless verses in the Bible telling us to wait. One such verse would be in Psalms 27:14 "Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and he shall strengthen  thine heart; wait, I say, on the Lord." Sometimes His timing just requires that we wait and hope.

But just as sure as the wait is hard, we can also be just as sure that God does answer!
Yesterday in SS our teacher reminded us that God does indeed transform hearts and minds through a very real sense. It was a personal story of a relative that was in his words "the meanest, the snakiest, the scariest guy you would ever meet!" This relative was not someone you would want to cross paths with by no means. But then through God getting his attention and transforming his heart and mind, he became a completely NEW man. So much a new man that you would not recognize him in many many ways. His life, his thoughts, his actions, his desires all became new! Today he is described as the most kindest man who loves others and I believe lives a life totally for God. God is like that. . . He changes people.

Some of you may say "But I have been praying for God to change my loved ones or _____ for forever and they are still the same." You are not alone. I too have been in constant prayer for many years that God would transform the hearts and minds of my own family members. . . and yet. . . . I continue to wait. I wait believing though knowing that God has His very own perfect plans and purposes for what He allows and doesn't allow to happen. His thoughts and His ways are not our thoughts and our ways. But yet He is trustworthy and faithful to deliver, to strengthen . . . and yes. . . to transform hearts and minds.

I pray for one such family member to have her eyes, ears, mind, and heart opened to see that this world is meaningless. Nothing that this world can offer will EVER amount to anything good. But for now she doesn't see that sadly. She even goes so far as to tell me that I have no clue about today's world for I (according to her) grew up in a totally different day, world and time. Although there is some amount of truth there - there is also a lie. For in the Bible it says that "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Is there ANYTHING of which one can say 'Look! This is something new.'? It was here already, long ago." Ecclesiastes 1:9-10. So as she goes along holding a hand with this world. . . . I pray. . . .and I wait.

As I re-read this Blog, I see that I don't want my readers to just believe that God makes new out of never new. Translation: God doesn't just make new out of lost/unsaved people. . . He also makes new out of once new people too!! Second translation: You can be a born again believer who has chosen to stop living your life for God and He steps in to transform you and bring you back!

So if you are a parent who is waiting, a friend who is waiting, a spouse who is waiting, a grandmother/father who is waiting, a sibling who is waiting. . . . know that it is God and God alone who WILL in His time transform hearts and minds to be who He wants them to be!!

And know that I wait with you. :)