I will assure those of you who possibly wondering about Dad. He is by no means whatsoever going through any said "mid-life crisis" - if anything it's just a couple of fun mid-life changes! The car he has wanted since it came out about a year and a half ago and as for the hair THAT was a simple fun "lets do it and see what happens" situation. He never went to the store with any intentions of buying the stuff. A funny joke if nothing else. Haha! It won't last long anyways.....his hair is kept short! :)
As I think about these things the word CHANGES comes to mind. That word alone can scare some people downright silly sometimes. But it doesn't have to be such a scary word when looked at it in a good perspective. Take for instance our trip. It was a change of scenery, a change of activity, a change of blessings, even a change of trust (meaning: I had to trust that God was goin to make this trip turn out well even when it appeared to NOT be starting well). And next would be "the car". This car DEFINITELY was a change in vehicles from "Big Blue Bus- Suburban" to a super awesome FUN car that gets the most attention we've ever gotten from a car! Of course there is now the change of having a car payment once again after not having any for some years now. And there is the change of having to work a little harder to get in and out of "super awesome fun car" as there is just 2 doors and it's a sports car requiring some folding up of body parts. Ha! But it's worth it .....right?! Next would be the dying of Dad's hair. This in and of itself was a change from practically all grey hair to now what once was....dark brown hair. It was a visible change for sure! It was also a change to see a daughter have a GOOD time with her parents. It gave her confidence to see us trust her to be able to administer color to Dad's existing (although little) hair. It brought a time of shared laughter....together.....definitely a plus! In fact, the change of the car and the changing of the hair brought us so much closer, if just for one evening, to this daughter that she even chose to continue the rest of the evening with us.....goin out to eat with JUST us as well as watching our fave American Idol later. A very good night indeed! And ...... birthdays. Everyone knows with birthdays come changes. Change in age, change in parties (if any), change in size (after you ate all that cake and ice-cream!) change in perspective as in how are you goin to view your special day (it was the worst day ever or the best day ever), change in your now one day closer to meeting God face to face, and sometimes even a change in finding out who your friends are.
Sometimes change is needed to put us on a better path in life. God can use people, circumstances, failures, mistakes whatever it takes to bring about a change in our life that leads to all that He has in store for us.....BLESSINGS.....MANY BLESSINGS! And WHO doesn't want more blessings in their life?! God never brings a change that isn't for our best and we can trust Him in that....for He has promised. Romans 8:28 is a sure guarantee!
So, my friend, if and when God decides to bring some changes to your life.....don't fret, don't worry, don't plant your feet and say "I'm not moving.", and most of all don't be afraid. God doesn't want us to be afraid anyways because He gave us 365 Bible verses on not being afraid....one for everyday of the year as a matter of fact!
Instead ~ accept it, go with it, give it a good perspective, look for the positive....even the fun. And most of all.....trust in a loving God Who has it alllll planned out for your absolute best and His absolute glory. "Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God." I love that saying. : )
Remember: Change can be good!
I know these are trivial changes to some, but maybe it gets you to stop and think about changes in your life and see that it's a good thing! However it goes.....I always have fun sharing me with you! So thanks! :)
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