Saturday, April 16, 2011

"Garage Sale....anyone?"

Well, we finally did it.....after talking about it for a year and a half....we had a garage sale! Yes, it seems about that long for us to finally get around to having one. As a matter of fact, I think we may have only had 2 in our married life...this being the second. The first one was probably 10 years ago. Needless to say, we don't like having garage sales NOR going to ones. Normally, I just give all our "stuff" away to charities. If the kids can't find something - there has been a running joke in our household that Mom gave it to charity. Annnd...she probably did. This time we had such an accumaltation of furniture and such that we thought we would give it a try. was a good try at least.

We set the alarm for 6am. Alarm went off....we rolled over. Our allergies have been going crazy and I wasn't sure I wanted to get up and face the day quite yet. So, we let all those super early shoppers go right on by. We did however catch the 7:30 shoppers! I knew as soon as David posted the sign out on the main street it would be no time before they arrived. We were still trying to pull it all out as they did....didn't bother them none....they just dove right in and went to digging. As I mentioned in my status, it is SO hard to determine a price for each and every item someone picks up! Over priced....under priced....will they accept it or will they walk you just wanna say "Here, take it all...IT'S FREE!" or hang in there for some kind of severance pay for all the hard work you put into making this thing happen? Garage sales are hard work!! I wish there was some kind of sensor you could run over these people and it say "I'm broke. I can't afford your price." or "I'm lying. I have money to spend." Ah goes life.

We did make over $250 however. Not bad, even with all the big stuff we really wanted to move, staying. Our top seller seemed to be clothes....and clothes we had! That and shoes....43 pairs for sale! :)

Savannah informed us that we picked the worst day possible to have one being the church close to us was having their annual communtiy rent-a-space sale. David said "Just see it as a possible way for more people to be out in the neighborhood and see ours." He is my Mr Positive. :) One guy did see the garage sale sign on our Suburban family car and asked if he could buy our car instead. Haha! He was serious too! My brother would love that one being as though he is Mr I- Can- Sell -A- Car- In- No -Time -Flat  man.

So, enough with the trivial garage sale story of the day.

As always I like to tie in something inspirational, informative, thoughtful.......and I think......what can be inspirational and thought provoking in a garage sale story??
One man's junk is another man's treasure! Just as we think there is no use for our "junk" anymore, others come along and see the potential in it. They take it home, clean it up, give it care and dispaly it for all the world to see....or wear it in some cases. :) God does the same with us. He goes to the garage sale of life, chooses us, cleans us up, gives us care, displays us for all the world to see His glory and what He has done through us! We are His forever treasures that sit no more in a dusty garage waiting for someone to care. May your life proudly display all the wonderful works He has done in you....through the bad times as well as the good times...for we know BOTH has a deep and meaningful purpose!

Shine brightly for Him, my friend.....for you a treasured piece! :))