Monday, June 24, 2013

"Celebrating Her. . . "

This Sunday, June 30, marks a very special day. It is the day that we celebrate two very beautiful women's lifes here on earth. The two beautiful women I speak of are my own dear mother and her sweet twin sister. One we celebrate here on earth. The other we celebrate living joyously in Heaven.

I have been wanting to write a special Blog in celebration of my Aunt, but all the while not being sure of how to share. For it is not sadness I want to bring, but rather a smile. I know that is what Auntie would want afterall. :) I do not write this Blog in "memory" of her - - for she has never been forgotten. I write it simply to celebrate her and the beautiful presence she was in her time on this earth.

I shared, in April of 2012, a Blog in honor of her and some of the many memories we made here together. That link should take you there if you would like to read. There is a very dear memory that I did not share in that Blog and since then I have wanted to. Although it may not mean much to others reading, it is very meaningful to me. I have memories of laying on her bed, an old fashioned wire table fan blowing gently on me, listening to the old classic Disney 45 records, and looking at the big colorful pages of the album they came in. If I can remember correctly there was The Jungle Book, Mary Poppins, Cinderella, Polyana. . . to name a few. I must have listened to Mary Poppins quite often for out of all, it is the very one that brings the MOST memories alive. I bought the Mary Poppins soundtrack sometime back and play it many times over. When I do, I can't help but believe that Aunt Sandra is dancing around the house along with me as we loudly belt out the songs together. Or in the times of just sitting quietly and listening while tears stream down my face. It is in those times - whether dancing and singing loudly or just quietly sitting and listening - that I often feel the closest to her. I can't help but believe that the very last song on the album/CD must have been one of her favorites "Let's Go Fly a Kite!" for it is one that we sing the loudest together. :) I would have loved dearly to have thought to ask for those records in times past.

Though we can not reach out and physically touch her, verbally hear her, or see her, we do celebrate not only who she was - but who she IS today. Her presence here while on earth was a blessing to many countless lives. She was a tender heart, with a pretty smile, a tell it how it is attitude, and an inspiration to those around her. And today - - today she is a living, breathing, very much alive, vibrant, healthy, O so happy daughter of God Himself!! She is alive and living, more than we possibly could be, in every sense of the word!! Her days are filled and overflowing with the truest form of JOY, while she is praising and rejoicing and serving God!! How wonderfully A M A Z I N G will that day be for each of us when our time has come!! We will not only be alongside her, but also rejoicing, praising, and serving God Himself as well!! Can't wait!! :)

For those of you reading along, I ask that if you would just stop and say a prayer for each of her family members during this time. There is hope most assuredly for all of us, for we each one day soon be reunited with her. But it is during that waiting moment that we sometimes need prayer. Thank you!

And to my dear, sweet, never forgotten, Auntie - - I loved you then, I love you now....I always have, I always will.

Happy earth Birthday this Sunday!! :)

The beautiful SMILES I leave you with. . . .

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