Tuesday, February 26, 2013

"Hello My Name Is....Freedom!"

I'm writing from the heart today - - wait. . . that's where I always write from. I guess that means today's Blog won't be any different then. :)
Today is a brand NEW day and I'm making it day set apart from any other. You see I am declaring it a day of no more REGRET!!! I have 2 simple reasons for sharing this Blog with you: 1. I have it in writing for myself as a declaration. 2. I want to encourage YOU!

Today marks the end of allowing myself any forms of fears, doubts, worries, what-ifs, anxiousness, and all other forms of regret over my past sins, mistakes.  The same resurrection power that God used to raise Jesus from the dead is the very same power that lives inside of me! That is the power with which I am choosing to do this. Friend, if you are a child of the true living God, you too also have that same power! I will no longer check myself to make sure I've done everything necessary to have God's complete restoration in my life....for I have and He is.

We all hear stories of how people were "lost as a goose" before they came to know God as their Lord and Savior of their life. But how often do we hear stories of God's own children falling by the wayside into some very REAL and deep sin?? Not often. Wanna know why? Because God's kids are supposed to be A-Ok. They got it together and life is supposed to be a pretty righteous thing now that they have going on. But guess what - - - God's kids fail too. Ones that are even living their whole entire life for HIM fall, slip, sin, choose the farthest thing apart from God....whatever you want to call it. But they do. I know because I was one. And I still am one....we ALL are one. But by God's G R A C E he didn't leave me in the slimy pit of sin I once was in. He is my Deliverer. He is my Healer. He is my Rescuer. He is my Redeemer. And my hope (you know - that word I always write about in Blogs) is in him and him alone. King David in the Bible was a man referred to and known as "a man after God's own heart". David lived his whole entire life devoted to and trusting in the Lord God himself, but look at the very REAL sin in his life - lust, envy,adultery, murder, lying. Did God say "You're done for David. You sinned one too many times. I can't use you anymore. You're a has-been." NO way my friend!!! Once David recognized the sin in his life, agreed with God about it, confessed it, and turned from it - - God was right there to heal and restore and even use him in greater and mightier ways than before! I picture my life being somewhat considered to be like David's (not that I'm boasting in any such way) but to say that yes I've lived my whole entire existance for the one true and living God, and yes I did fall into some very real sin, and yes I recognized, agreed with, and walk away from that sin just as David did. Therefore I know without a doubt that God has healed and restored and even used me in greater ways than ever imagined before.....just like David. All glory and ALL thanks go to God and God alone!!!

Friend, there is something I want to share with you that could help you. I know it has helped me. I was just sharing this with a member of my family yesterday and it helped them.
When we have sin in our life it can't and won't bring glory to God and it needs to be taken care of. There are 4 points and I've mentioned 3 of the 4 already in the paragraph above.
  1. Agree with God on the matter in your life as sin. Sin is sin and there's no excuses to make it acceptable in your life. See it for what it is.
  2. Once you have agreed with God that it is sin, there needs to be genuine brokeness and sorrow over that sin. I'm not saying you have to make yourself be sorry. I'm also not saying there has to be wailing and crying over it (although weeping over sin can be a normal reaction in some). What I am saying is to be real with God. He knows your heart. Be genuine. Confess.
  3. Take immediate action on any current sin....and walk away from it. Choose TODAY to say no. You can't do it in your own power and strength, but you can do it in God's power and strength. Remember that resurrection power I spoke about? And know too...it may take time. God doesn't promise just to zap you and you have no more sinful desires anymore. There will be times he allows for a plan that will simply take time. We don't speed it up....and we don't slow it down when it's in his hands.
  4. Set boundaries. If you know there is something that causes you to be tempted stay away from it. Take it out of your life if possible. Set limits. Don't pet the sleeping dog of temptation right outside your door as our Pastor put it one Sunday. We all have weaknesses and areas that tempt us. But recognize those areas and ask God to help you steer clear of them.
I know so very clearly that ALL that God has allowed into my life....good and yes even the bad....he has used to make me who and what I am today! I can clearly say thank you God for all that you have allowed in my life. I wouldn't be the me I am today....and I like me. :)

Don't let the voice of regret be a part of your life. Choose with me today as one who is set FREE through Christ alone!! Know that true freedom is submitting it to God....whatever "it" might be....submit it to God and be free with me!!! :)

I would like to share a wonderful song that sums up this whole Blog. Please take a moment to listen . . .
If that link doesn't work, please go to Youtube and look for Matthew West with his song "Hello My Name Is". It's really GOOD!!

Thanks once again for letting me.....simply be me. I appreciate YOU. :)


  1. You have helped me again, my dear sweet friend. Thank you.

  2. Dear Anonymous,
    You have warmed my heart with such thankfulness to God!! For your words are everything I want to be and do...help....encouragement! Sincere and humble thanks to YOU!!
    Debby :)
