As I sit here and think and think and think some more ...... I try and come up with what God would want me to write about to inspire/encourage others. At this point....I hit a blank.
I could write about my Aunt Sandra and how her time is drawing O so near. How that she is ending a journey here on this earth, but starting a brand new journey in Heaven. But as happy as we are for her in this new life to come, there are those of us left here on earth to mourn her parting.
I could write about how that it is my second daughter's birthday this week. While most would be happy and celebrating their child's special day, we in turn are not even sure we will see or hear from her at all. She is a child who was long ago a part of our lives (which I truly miss) and now we have no contact with her. It would be hard to even imagine the sadness a mother feels in her heart over this if you have never traveled this road.
I could write about the MANY wrong directions my oldest daughter has/is travel(ed)(ing). How that our hearts have been literally broken multiple times and we have cried out to God in such despair over her. How that I continually pray for God's changes and will to be done in her. How that I pray for the right people to come/be in her life and the wrong ones to be removed.
I could write about how that my journey as a mother is winding down in great ways as my youngest son is stepping out into life as he makes his journey forward. BUT, I will NEVER give up trying to protect my children from this totally LOST world. I will NEVER stop fighting for matter what!!! encouraging are any of those things to another person reading this Blog?
The encouragement comes in. . . . in ALL of these things. . . . God gives HIS peace. I'm not talking about a special feeling or even a happiness, what I am talking about is a quiet and steadfast trust. 1.) An assurance that even though it's going to really HURT when my Aunt Sandra passes from this life to the next - - God will carry us each through it and minister in the way that each needs Him. 2.) An assurance that even though many other people are celebrating their children's presence in their life, I too one day (and I don't know when) will have my daughter back again. I pray that she will be able to receive all the love that her family has for her and know how to love in return.3.) An assurance that YES that God IS molding this oldest daughter's life, her mind, her will, her desire to match's just going to have to take awhile to be seen and heard and revealed! God has a timetable that is hard to understand. My timetable says NOW is the time - God's timetable says "Wait on me. Trust in me." We've been waiting and we have been trusting a loooong time and yet.....I know we will continue. By His grace. 4.) And last but not least, an assurance that even though my small duties I've done for my children, as their mother, in their growing years, are nearing the end I still can have a positive influence in their lifes. I can still encourage. I can still pray for them. I can still be here for them....should they choose to come.
And yes....even though I do have that assurance that God is working (sight seen or unseen) and He is in control, I do still cry, I do still wonder, I do still envy others, I do still question......for I am human. But I pray that human part of me is taken over by the spiritual part, being God Himself and He victoriously carries me on....quietly waiting.....quietly trusting. God in me is what has it all without God would be a total mess.
So friend, as I've probably often said, know that WHATEVER you are yourself, in your children, in your spouse, in your family, in your friends.....God can give you that very same assurance. Assurance to know that even if I don't see it, even if I don't hear it, even if I don't understand it, even if I don't feel it...... God is there - God is working - God is carrying - God is transforming ..... all in HIS timing. God knows your situation. God loves YOU. God is in control.....and you are not.
Be encouraged. :)
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