Sunday, December 18, 2011

"My Gift to Me and How We Met!"

As the Christmas season is in full swing, we eagerly await the big day when we can share our love through gifts with those we cherish. If your family is like my family EVERYONE but the baby is the hardest to buy for! Nonetheless....we attempt to please and hope that it will be the thought, love and time put into our endeavor that wins them over. :)

I want to share with you what my biggest and BEST gift is this year and every year. . . simply put. . . .my David. For all of you who may want to say "Not another my David bragging story!" go right ahead. I don't mind in the least. You see my David is everything to me apart from God Himself! In fact, if truth be told, David is the highest example of God to me in my life. Don't get confused....I'm not calling David - God! What I am saying is that David is love to me, forgives me, forgets my wrongs, believes the best in me, encourages me, strengthens me, gives hope to me, accepts me as I am, and is solid FAITH to me. I pray with all my heart that someday God WILL bring a man such as David into my daughter's lives!! I will smile with the biggest SMILE and thank Him always when He does! :)

I always LOVE to hear how couples met! So maybe you would like as well for me to share how my David and I came to be. . .

Hope I remember the details right!
Way back in March of '85, I was invited to go and watch a co-ed church softball game by my then boyfriend , Jim Allred. It was then that I was introduced to David Moore. David Moore - the guy you would've never guessed today was the HYPER guy who never sat down, never even stood still at a game. He was either swinging his arms wildly coaxing the players around the bases or jumping up and down in one spot because he had so much ENERGY! He ran so FAST that no one wanted to be batting in front of him. He was lightning fast as I called it! Watching him run was so graceful and exciting!! haha!

Jim and David were good friends. . . David once said "If I had a friend at that time, I guess I would call him Jim." {That's a compliment, Jim, if you're reading this!} He never was much on having a so-called main friend in his life. Mike Webster and Jim are about the only 2 ever mentioned in fact. In time, David took a liking to MY friend, Tammy Sparks Glover. And thus began the 4sum dating....Jim and Debby, David and Tammy. We had some really great times together!

Jim was a absolute wonderful first real boyfriend. I believe I loved him with a sincere different kind of love apart from the "I want to be with you forever" love. He was kind, gentle, loving, caring and he would be probably the first to notice that someone was beginning to come into a clearer picture in my mind. I will forever and always hold a special and dear place in my heart for this boy who as he says "set me free to see if I would come back and when I didn't ..... knew that I was not his to have." He would even be the one to encourage David to ask me out for he knew what his heart probably didn't want to tell him.

Tammy was the fun loving friend that we knew and loved too. She would go away to college that Fall. She would soon meet her future husband there as well. As Tammy was in college, time was moving on, and things between Jim and I were thinning out. I think it was on Labor Day that the official end to our realtionship between Jim and I would end. And as you can guess, David and Debby would come to be as well as Ron and Tammy too. November 23, 1985 I drove my car down David's street. I had my brother, who is 7 years younger, with me. When I saw David I told Dan to duck down....I tried ducking too! LOL! It was a small neighborhood street and I felt very noticable! I took Dan home and told my Mom "David is outside...he's outside!!" She said "Well, go see him!" So I drove my car right back to his street and parked myself right in front of his house! He was out still (thankfully). He came over seemingly happy to see me, we talked for awhile, he invited me inside his house. Continued talking. . . . His mom later cooked tacos for us and afterwards we would go out on our first official date that has not stopped 26 years later!

Sidenote: After my Mom told me to go see David that day, she would not see me return until after 2am that following morning after my Dad was sent to retrieve me. Haha! Hey she just told me to go see him....she didn't say when to return!! :)

It was a bit awkward at first being as though Jim and David attended the same church. Previously I would go with Jim to church as a couple....and now it would be David and I. The intial shock and reality of it set in for Jim one Sunday when David had to come and say to him "Hey guess who I'm dating now?" I know it hurt. . . and I did not want to see him hurt. But in time, with this being God's plan, Jim would accept it being the sweet friend he was to us both. . . and I thank him for it. He remained our faithful friend throughout time as well Tammy did too....we are blessed with their friendship!

David and I were best friends from the start. The only time we were ever apart from that November day was he or I went on family vacations. We have never tired of spending each and every hour possible together. I would rather be with no one else on the face of this planet than my David. That is why I find it so weirdly ODD when couples speak of needing breaks, day offs , etc...from one another! With as much time as we already do spend together, I look forward with great anitcipation to the day when he retires and not even something called work will separate us!! :) We got engaged in February of '87. I remember this well. We had already talked about marrying, even went and picked out the rings together. So I knew it would happen soon....just wasn't sure when! One night he invited me to a very NICE restaurant was fancy....SOMETHING was about to happen! :)) Years later we would go back and I would take a picture of the very seat (I guessed) we sat in as my sweet David proposed to me! After the proposal, my family and I were going on a skiing trip with our church. My Mom always said it was a bad idea from the start to take that girl away from the man who just proposed and gave her a ring! He was all I though about and when I was able to finally reach him on the resort's phone (no cells back in the dino days) it was pure heaven to me! As our bus returned back home, following the forever loooong week, he would be the first I would see waiting in the parking lot for me! I was overJOYED!

As we prepared for our wedding, I remember taking David WITH me and my Mom to pick the wedding dress. We chose a store, found the dress and I went to try it on. The saleslady found out that David was the fiancee and told us in no uncertain terms that he was not supposed to be there! I quickly handed the dress back to her and said "If you don't want him here you don't want me here! Goodbye!" She quickly changed her mind and stood back. WHO was this dress for afterall??? It wasn't for anyone in the world except my David...he should be the one to pick it out!! :)

The beautiful day arrived on August 15, 1987! We were the first family from my home church to be married in our new location and sanctuary! My favorite, very much loved pastor and friend, would marry us. Pastor Rodger Phillips and his beautiful wife, Martha will forever be remembered in the hearts of those who knew and loved them....which are many of my FB friends. There will never be another.
And remember that first boyfriend I told you about - Jim? He was right there in our wedding with us! :)

Fast forward to April 29, 1988 and that day would make the union of two people become that much more stronger and sweeter as we welcomed our first baby girl into our world and forever in our hearts! Heather Marie.

That is how God brought two people together and blossomed a lifetime of love . . . forever.

(This is an awesome video of describing what a wonderful GIFT my David is to me. Please watch it!!)

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