You see. . . it was a time when my David left us.
Now take your hand and use it to push your gaping mouth shut.
For this was a time of separation that would end permanently in approximately three months. Though it was only three, they would seem forever and undendingly LONG. In fact, I gratefully respect all women who are left to be without their husbands for whatever reasons for it is something I wish never to revisit. Anyone who knows me well knows that David and I were created to walk the face of this earth. . . . together. . . no other way. Now for all of you who may be wondering what in the world could have happened to cause this separation, I will tell you. Simply put - David joined the astute world of Air Traffic Control. This in turn would require him to pack up and leave his family for the measure of said three months. He would live in an apartment, supplemented by the FAA, in Oklahoma City. It was clearly put that no family whatsoever was to join him and evenso was highly recommended that family not visit as well. To which I say is RIDICULOUS, but no one asked me, so I go on with my story. . . .
I am sharing a very special picture with you. It is one that has become a favorite for in all it's pathetic looking ways it's one of a young mother, with her babies, uncertain of the days ahead but yet trusting God to see her through.
(This was taken the day of or week of David's departure. We are patiently waiting Grandma and Grandpa to come and visit us for some company. They pulled up and this was the sight they saw sitting on the driveway.)
This past week I texted Heather and told her what this time represented 20 years ago to which she lovingly replies "Wow your weird." Not quite the words I was seeking, but then again, that's my Heather. Can't say that I blame her much though, afterall. . . she was only 3 years old. Savannah had just turned 4 months if you were wondering too.
Today I look back and try to remember just HOW did I make it during that time?!?! I feel like I do good today just to busy myself enough to make it through the short time David is at work now! I know that it is always the same answer that I find in looking back and wondering how we endured each circumstance of what God would bring our way and that is. . . . God Himself . I believe, for the most part, God helped me to just take one day at a time. . . even when I would look at the clock on the wall and see it saying just 6:00 in the evening wondering to myself will this day ever end?? And .... it did.
It was a time of growing up too. Although I'm NOT nearly as young as I look in that picture, I'm sure I still needed God to show me the independence I must have learned at some point in time. You see, I went straight from my parent's home at 21 to my married home. There was no college life, single life, living on my own kinda stuff in this girl's life. So this part of life was very well ALL new. I will proudly tell you that I lived on my own with my 2 girls for a grand total of 5 weeks. . . and then I became sick. To me those 5 weeks were an accomplishment in every way. . . even through the tears when my Heather was so sick that she wouldn't eat or drink and as my parents came over to check on her I just sat and cried my heart out telling them I wasn't made to do this without my David. At 5 weeks though my sickness was too much for me to handle while trying to take care of 2 babies. I was running alot of fever, so my Dad graciously drove from the town of Irving to Arlington so that I could have their help. I was very sick and this was be a burden lifted indeed. I would live with them for approximately 4 weeks. As anyone knows, it's never easy going back home nor is it easy receiving your child along with her 2 children as well. But, they were my God sent and together. . . we would make it through.
Another God sent was my Mother In Law and Sister In Law who would take me to see my David, along with our 2 girls, on one such weekend. And YES we amount of "suggested and recommended" rules was going to keep me away any longer!! In fact, I remember now. . .during the latter part of his time there we were "allowed" to come and even stay there for 3 weeks. I was feeling WHOLE again. . . . I do know that!! My David was by my side. . . when he could be that is.
I'm sure trust, as mentioned above regarding the picture, was something that increased not only in our spiritual lives, but in our physical ones too. God was faithful. . . yes.. . and He would see us through. . . just as He had seen us through our second pregnancy with Savannah. David got laid off from work a total of 10 months during that unknowing time. We just always knew God would provide. But we would also have to learn to trust in the faithfulness of one another being so very far apart. It wasn't easy sometimes, but yet again, God was there to help us.
After our time of endurement was up, we would learn the next news that would forever change our world. It was then that I received a phone call from my husband asking me simply the question, "What do you think about Houston?" I'm sure I must of conceived it as some kind of joke, but wasn't. So, once again we would take that step of faith as God would choose to move us forever away from all that we would know - family, friends, and our hometown. For all who know, leaving all that you know and love is never easy. And all those who don't know what a BLESSING you have to live near your family I will be the first to tell you.....YOU are blessed!! I seriously doubt we will ever live by our family again - but God has His reasons though not always understandable ones. Now Mother put a smile back on your face while you're reading this. . . . count your blessings!! There's a plenty! :)
God brought us on our journey and He never once left our side. Houston as we know it is home. As I look back and try to think back through the sum total of 20 years I realize two things. 1. It's a loooong time, but goes by Oooo so quickly in the reality of life. 2. We would never in a million years dream up some of the things God has allowed and taken us through!! And this simple story is very small in comparison to which I'm talking about. But in all this stuff we call living. . . . we have, we do, and we will continue to learn of God's faithfulness and His trustworthiness through it ALL.
And guess what?? We survived!!
Twenty years later....and here we are!! :) |
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