Sunday, June 26, 2011

"The Past, The Present, The Future. . . It All Happens!!"

This past week David and I decided to take a drive to Galveston. We had no intentions of where we were going. Much of our weekends consist of pure spontaneous living with no regards to plan making. Apparently we fit right in with today's generation as they seldom if ever know what they are doing in advance. I think it makes life more exciting! :)

As we were driving around, I came up with the idea to go and revisit a place from our long ago past. Nearly 24 years ago this August we stayed in a very nice hotel called The San Luis to celebrate our wedding Honeymoon. It is located on the Sea Wall and still stands as eloquently today as it did 24 years ago. We parked and went inside. As we walked around looking for some recognizable memories of our stay, we realized 24 years is a long time! Needless to say, only bits and pieces were present in our minds. We walked all around clearly noticing that we did not belong with the crowd of people that were milling around. Seems there was a retirement party going on for an older gentleman and it would appear he was very MUCH thought of as the number of people increased. We took the elevator up to the guests floors attempting to jog that old memory once again. Although 24 years is a mere drop in the bucket for some, it can be considered a great number of years to others. As we stopped on 2 different floors, I noticed each floor looked EXACTLY the same. I'm talking same artwork hanging in same place by same couches with the same color situatated in the same sequence leading into the same hallways! I was amazed at all the sameness! David then made the very brillant remark of "Deb, don't you think all hotel floors look the very same on each level? What did you expect?" Who knows what I expected.....maybe they could change the artwork on each floor! Ha! As I thought about it, clearly the man knew what he was talking about .... as he always does.

We sat down on the couch of the level I had guessed was ours. As we talked, I wandered off in thought for a moment imagining stepping back in time, and seeing two young newly married very happy people entering a lifetime of love, memories, and all the stuff that makes up life. I wondered what were the thoughts in our heads way back then? What was our concerns.....our goals...... our fears......our determination? Did we have a clue of what married life is really all about? Could we have imagined what God had in store for us in so many different ways? In answer to those quesitons I could probably be honest in saying: Yes, we did have a clue what married life was about, afterall we were both raised in God centered homes where our parents loved God first and one another second. As for what thoughts did we have going on probably the normal ordinary thoughts that all newly married couples have....I'm not gonna lie! ;) And our goals have always been to honor, to seek, to love and to obey God in all ways, as well as to raise a family that is devoted to knowing, serving and loving Him.

But....could we have known or simply imagined all the things God had in store for us in years to come? A very simple but yet definite answer of......NO not in the least. . . but then who can?!

God decided to start our "family" off by most early. So early that my own Mother In Law and Sister In Law had definite doubts of what we told them in weeks to come. Yes....we were pregnant! God didn't seek to waste anytime.....He had a set date for this child to come into the world and she was gonna be on God's time ready or not! Our Heather was a conceived Honeymoon baby.....TMI for some, but facts are facts! :) So, you could say "First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby sitting in the baby carriage" certainly held true for us! Next, I became pregnant and we were blessed with our second beautiful daughter, Savannah. This took place during a time when David was laid off from his job and was without work for a good 10 months or more. Not to worry though as my rock solid husband's faith that God would provide AND see us through came to be true. In time, God provided a job that would require my David to be taken away from me and our two very small children for a period of 3-4 months. He was sent to live in OKC while he studied to become an Air Traffic Controller. This was a very DIFFICULT time for us! I can remember many hard days longing desperately to be with my husband as well as have his help to care for our girls. I became so sick that I couldnt take care of the girls alone, so my parents packed us into their home for the remaining of the time so that they could help. Still it wasn't the same.....David was everything to me and his return was greatly needed. But yet....we made it God was faithful. In time we would leave everything and everyone we knew to pack up and move to Houston. We adapted and trusted in God to see us through. In time it was home and home it is! In time we also became pregnant once again....this time a SON! As in a previous posting on my Blogs I related the story of what a tremedous ordeal that was! If you wish to read more about it I believe it's titled "I Have a Son!" Simply put (if there is a simple way) God let us experience a very BIG scare in every sense of the word....only to show us that once again ..... He was STILL in charge and would see us through.

As our famly grew up through time there would be heartaches from wrong choices made by our children, walls that seemed to be built, seemingly endless times of wondering when God would or will step in and change directions that seem only to lead to foolishness and emptiness by our children. And just as we do not have all the answers now.....we do have as we have had in times past......the belief that God does and God will see us matter what we face. At times we understand that HIS timing just requires that we wait a little longer as He is laying out His plans.

I do not choose to place all negative emphasis on our children as we ourselves have faced our own definite mistakes in our married life. No married life is perfect as in even in the case of Adam and Eve. But in all the imperfectness that we have experienced, I can truly, honestly and most wholeheartedly tell you ..... it has been for the better of the two of us. Although who wouldn't want to overstep or undo any and all mistakes made - I know for a fact they were allowed and made for a reason - A reason to bring two people undeniably CLOSER, with more affection, more honesty, more forgivness, and just more intense appreciation than could be imagined. I know, I believe, and I stand on the truth that ALL THINGS, and yes even the bad, happen for the GOOD to them that love God! All things. We can't imagine it at the time of hurt and pain, but God gently restores us and makes us better than even before....through His great mercy and love that He gives us so undeservingly.

So as we took a step back in time this week and reminisce......I believe we also took a step forward in seeing that although we didn't have life all figured out by any means those 24 years ago, God has chosen to gently lead us through our journey......through the ups ...... and through the downs...... all for His glory.....and to show two people just how very much He does love them in many ways. To God be ALL glory, praise, worship.....and thanks.

As you look back through your life, may you see the great and gentle hand of God carrying you through your journey! : )

PS: You can click on pics to view larger. :)

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