Sunday, May 15, 2011

"I Blog Because. . . "

Why do I Blog?
1. To share with others, in a way not possible otherwise, the real me - who I am on the inside. 2. To Encourage : to make (someone) more determined, hopeful, or confident.  To inspire with courage, spirit, or to spur on. 3. To give hope! 4. And lastly. . . because I love to write.

God has given me such a STRONG desire to encourage others even to the point that when I seem to have no encouraging words left (because I've said them all) it can be disheartening. I try not to repeat myself too much, but can't help but wonder if there are new readers that need encouragement as well. People need encouragement every single day of their lives . . . I know I do! I pray ALWAYS that God can use something in my words to reach another....whether it's through giving them hope, a new outlook/perspective, a new life through salvation.....or just to see that it's alright to be real and have flaws (meaning myself). I want to be the encouragement and hope that I'm looking for from day to day and maybe say things that people dare not talk about because they want everyone to "believe" their life is together and going well. I want to be the realness factor that God can use to show others that life doesn't have to be perfectly perfect. . . you can have flaws, your kids can have flaws, your husband can have flaws (although mine doesn't.....) < teasing > , that we fall down - and God alone picks us back up.

Just today I was listening to a Mom give a little bit of her heart in SS class referring to her daughter whom she has a strained relationship with. She talked about what a hard job she has ahead of her as this daughter has came back home to live with her. I know she must have seemed overwhelmed by the very thought of it. As I listened though, I wanted to tell her "It's ok! Your job is done! It isn't up to you to change the very heart of this child and get her to see the rights and wrongs of her life. We as parents have done the job God gave us to raise them to know and love Him and when they have reached this age....we let go and let God. He's in control....He always has been.....He has the plan for her life. Those plans don't have to look right, acceptable, and good to us. He allows difficult times into their (our child) lives to improve them, restore them, love them and also for a higher and greater purpose than we are even aware of at the time." I don't just say all that casually and effortlessly - I say it because I know the pain she feels, the yearning for God to intervene and move in her daughter's life. In other words, I'm there as well with my own children. But I've learned that letting go, as hard as it may seem, is always for the best. God has His own timetable of when, where and how He is going to wake these children of ours up and direct their lives in a way such as He has planned. But of course the best way for me to express any of that to anyone hurting, discouraged or overwhelmed is through .....writing. So therefore..... I write.....hoping, praying, yearning to reach out and help another.

I also literally yearn to be a light to a dark and lost world who needs God as their salvation. I want people to know the truth. I want God to open their eyes, ears and hearts to what He has done for them. Jesus is their one and only true provision from God to God Himself. There are absolutely NO good works, no good heritage, not enough money given, not enough wrong avoided, no church attendance and by NO other being by which you can be redeemed/saved. God and simply God alone. I will never tire of sharing that receiving God's provision for your very soul is as simple as ABC. . .
A= Accept that you are a sinner in need of a Saviour!
B= Believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead!
C= Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and call upon Him to save YOU!

I will be honest with you as well and say that it encourages me more than you realize when God allows YOU to share with me how that something I shared touched/inspired/enlightened/blessed you in a special way! I have to be careful in this area because humanly speaking I love to know that God is using me in some small or special way to fulfill His purpose. But....then on the other hand I strive not to be discouraged when I see nothing as well....for I know God can and still does use me regardless if my eyes see it or not. So if God allows me to know that He is using me in some way to help you. . . I give Him the praise. . . and should He not have that information given. . . . I praise Him still. . . . for He is worthy. Pray that I not let jealousy and disappointment creep in as it is easy for those two things to show themselves to a person who wants so desperately to encourage others and they see that happening on other's FB pages. Remember. . . I'm real. :)

So. . . I Blog for God. . . for you. . . and to share me!
Thank you for ALL your encouragement to me as I do. May God bring just the right amount of love, blessings, comfort and encouragement that you may be seeking however He chooses, my friend. :)

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