My life, as it looks today, is winding down a journey.
A journey that has had laughter, smiles, happiness, amazement, thankfulness, surprises, love, joy, accomplishments, well as tears, anger, frustration, disappointment, fear, impatience, and non-comprehension. I speak of the words - raising children.
You see, our youngest child, who is Levi, will be 18 in less than 2 weeks, and graduating 7 weeks after that. Our second child, who is Savannah, will be walking the aisle in marriage in 6 weeks. And our oldest, who is Heather, is on God's timetable to make straight her paths. If you would, please pray for each of our children for they truly need it.....and who of us doesn't?
And so that brings my journey - as Mom - to a close. I know you're going to say "You never stop being a Mom." and that would be correct. But, I don't believe everyone is called to keep being the "Mom" you were the first 18 years of their lives. Instead I see it as I step out of their lives.....letting go of all preconceived ideas that I have ever had any power to stop what they chose to do or not do.....continue to trust and pray that God has his own timetable and plans of turning them each one back to him.....asking him to stand the TRUTH, his truth, so firmly planted undeniably in front of them that they cannot see around it or through it and must deal with it in God's way and not their own..........
I CONTINUE ON loving the Lord my God with all my heart, soul and strength.....and loving the beautiful gift of his love to me through my beautiful husband, David!!!
My life started, almost 48 years ago, with God. And almost 27 years of those 48, God brought along my David to join me in this wonderful adventure we call LIFE. And so it life will begin and end with God and my David. Yes, added blessings along our adventure that we call children.....and hopefully someday called GRANDchildren. But life is......God and then my David. And I wouldn't have it any other way!!!
I have wanted to write a Blog dedicated to my David along the way of my Bloggings, but I didn't want it to come off as me just bragging about what I have. My intention and goal is to NOT have that come across to anyone.....for we are ALL blessed in God's blessings of who he has placed in our lives (even if you don't see it). But rather my desire to share comes from a heart that is so FULL of gratitude and complete LOVE for a gift to me. And in that gift of my David is the very heart of God himself. For my David shows forth the very nature and character of God daily to me. So please read this in the way that it is given.....through a genuine heart of gratitude.
David and I have been doing some renovating of our home. Renovations are fun, cool and exciting....I love to see new things take place, shape and form! And in those "Renos" <<the home shows call them that.....David has taught me many skills along the way. As I was learning each new skill, I began taking pictures. As I took more pictures, I began thinking back to all the MANY things David has taught me in life. I scanned back through many pictures of days gone by and came up with a collection of various things. Although certainly not all; these are some. . .
Demolishing is super FUN!!! I yelled every single time I swung this sledgehammer!!
Thanks David. :)
We are hand sewing curtains in this picture! David has always been our seamstress in our family. And now with his guidance, I can sew too!!
Thanks David. :)
I can now say I have stained furniture as well as varnished too!! This is our handrail up the stairs.
Thanks David. :)
I am also the designated "roller-painter" too! David is the detailer and I'm the roller.
Thanks David. :)
And yes, sometimes, I do trim work too!! Although this looks BAD - - we were coming back with a main color for walls. :)
Thanks David.
David has taught me a real LOVE for adventures of ALL kinds!! Our adventures lay before us daily (yours too)! Seize the opportunity whatever it may look'll be glad you did!! :)
Thanks David.
Adventures even in the smallest sizes can be O so FUN as well!!! :)
Thanks David.
David has taught me to love exercise through walking too!! We walk everywhere and often. :)
Thanks David.
David has taught how to do yard work and make areas pretty by planting flowers! I seriously enjoy the accomplished feeling when you have worked HARD all day in the yards and look back to see something was done and know that you were a part of that something! :)
Thanks David.
I can now say I also know how to use a crow bar to remove an entire wall of paneling and base/crown moldings too!! Which had about a 100 nails AND glue on it!! And take it ALL down the stairs and into the garage myself!! No small feat!! :)
Thanks David.
And although these are David's hands and not mine....I learned how to sand spin along with him!! :)
Thanks David.
David has taught me how to even play golf....believe it or not!!! Although we never fully became accomplished at it, we had FUN!! :)
Thanks David.
Although technically full credit should probably go to my Dad for this one, for he started me off very early in life loving this David is the one that renewed it's desire once again. :)
Thanks David.
But David gets full credit for the bow and arrow lessons! Haha!
Thanks David. :)
As well as the cooking lessons!!
Thanks David. :)
AND......I can shoot a gun now too!!
Thanks David. :)
Hey I can even peel and eat a crawfish now....although very S L O W L Y!!
Thanks David. :)
David has taught me the love of a good hike up a very TALL reach the tippy top and feel the joy of accomplishment while praising the very Creator of our Universe!!
Thanks David. :)
David has taught me to be ME..... like enjoy being accept me. That even in all my quirkiness and weirdness.....I can be ME.
Thanks David. :)
And he has taught me to enjoy each and all of our moments......together. For in those times we are at our happiest!!
Thanks David. :)
As wonderful and great as each of those things are (and there's so much more he's taught me).....I know with all my heart that the biggest and greatest of lessons are these . . . .
To love and forgive completely in it purest form. And what it truly means to do both.
To let it ALL go and give it ALL to God.
Three of those "All" being our children.
To understand what real faith is and assuring me that we can trust God even when it doesn't make since.
To know that FAITH is the answer matter what. For our God is in control.
As he has often reminded me.....when is there ever a time to worry??
And it is in these last lessons, I have shared with you, that I value the most in him......"Thank you David."
I am beyond blessed to be your wife, support, encourager, lover and very best friend!! :)
And so it is that I bring this to a close......a closing of a Blog......a closing of a chapter of my life as "Mom".
But sure as God IS coming back again (and He IS!)....I'm off to a brand new and wonderfully joyous adventure and journey with the two most important in my life.......God David second. :)
Thank ya, Jesus!!!!