Sunday, May 26, 2013

"The Little Girl on the Bicycle"

David and I often ride bikes. In fact, we choose to ride bikes wherever we go rather than riding in the car when possible. We both enjoy the exercise, being active together, and enjoy being outdooors. I admire his willingness to hop on his bike, after a long day at work, and go for a ride with me. :)

The other day, as we were riding, a little girl appeared in front of us. I didn't see from what direction she came. . . it was just as if she showed up. As we followed her, I noticed how young she was and how, in this day and time, it seemed odd that she would seemingly be so far from home without an adult close by. She pedaled on crossing a couple of busy neighborhood streets. She wasn't on a leasurily kid-ride, but pedaled with great intent, stopping only once to grab a precious souvenir (a feathery stalk from a flowering plant). She was off once again with great determination to reach her desired destination. We continued to follow her. We usually have no problem passing others on bikes, or people walking - this girl was pedaling! Watching this little girl brought back memories for me in a sweet and tender way. I too was once that little girl pedaling hard and with great purpose. She reminded me of being O so young and on my own each day. For back LONG ago, starting around the age of 6 or 7, I would ride my bike over a mile each way to school. Heck the way I went could've been 2 miles each way! I am so thankful that my Mother had the faith to let me have that freedom at such an early age. For in this day I don't believe many Mothers would. As some say, "things were different back in the day". I doubt that, for evil and bad have always been. . . they just weren't talked about and made public as they are today. I can remember crossing very BUSY streets for someone so small. I remember the "scary streets" too that you didn't just pedal casually on, but rather stood up on the pedals and gave it all you had! As I look back, I am amazed and all the while thankful for both a Mother willing to give her child an early independence AND for my God who was with me to watch over me....every pedal of the way.

As we followed on, my phone distracted me from my thoughts of long ago. We stopped only briefly to check the distraction. As we started back on our way, I noticed the little girl was no longer in front of us. I pedaled on a little faster to search where she may have gone. I could see for quite a ways up ahead....nothing. I could see to the left where the streets intersected.....nothing. It was as if she simply vanished....gone just like that. We do entertain "angels unaware" as the Bible says! I believe it whole heartedly too!! Maybe she was the little angel that would remind me how that God has been with me all along....never leaving nor forsaking me....even in my worst times....even in my times of doubt....even in my good times....always with me. Or maybe she was the little girl that God himself would call me to pray for. That is exactly what I did as I rode. I prayed for her safety and protection, for her to know she is loved, for her to make wise decisions for all the days that lay ahead, and most of all - for her to know the Lord as her Savior. I have prayed since then when God brings her to my mind. I pray with great emphasis that God leads and protects her with all the many choices that lie ahead of her. How awesome would it be to know that a stranger {a kind unknown person} would take the time to stop and pray for your very child?! I would absolutely LOVE to know that there are people praying for my children that I don't even know!!

Regardless of the many questions there may have been as to why this child would appear such as she did and then be gone just like that ( I do tend to have an analytical mind sometimes ha!). I find these things to be certain and true::
1. God has been with me always and never leaves me. Just as He was with her. He crossed the "busy streets" of life with me and He even carried me through the "scary streets". He isn't just with me in those times but also in the "happy times" of enjoying life as David and I do together.
2. Jesus prays for me. Even when no one else is praying for me I know that He is. No one may have thought that day to stop and say a prayer for this little girl, but Jesus was and He even invited me to join along with Him in it.
3. We can trust God to get us to our desired safe haven for He alone is trustworthy. Just as He took this little one safely to her destination....back to Heaven or to her house! :)

Friend, know that YOU too can have those assurances!

For if you too have asked Jesus to be your Lord and Savior of your heart then He assures you that YES He is with you today....tomorrow.....and always {He was even with you yesterday too!} You are never ever alone. If you are in times of doubt, pain, hardships, trials do NOT ever give up on Him. For He alone is supremely trustworthy and will carry you to your safe haven. He not only will help you, but He IS helping you even now. Sometimes we just need to give Him more time and space....and wait. But never quit trusting....NEVER. If you are having a hard time doing so then tell God and ask Him to be the trust that you need. He understands. Afterall...who knows us better than the very One Who created us?!

Also, know that Jesus does pray for you to God the Father. When it seems no one else knows and no one else cares....He does. And He lives to intercede for YOU. John 17:9 "I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me, for they are yours." God intercedes for us in our weakness for us personally. Romans 8:26-27 "In the same way the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will." How empowering to know that Jesus the Holy Spirit prays for us in our weakest moments!!

And lastly....God will take you safely to your safe haven. Psalm 107:28-30 "Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven." We can be confident in Him because of Isaiah 46: 4 "Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you."

I leave you with this: 2 Timothy 4:18 "The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen."

Friend....He is with you....pedaling through life's journey WITH you. Never give up trusting in Him alone.